BW/BW2 The Childhood Friends of Your Character!

^Yup, that's like saying Lucas (see avatar) and Barry are related (which is actually a much, much more logical guess than Barry and Belle, even though Lucas is from a different franchise entirely).

/me loves the human designs this gen.
Drakeman said:
She looks old. Probably the hairstyle.

No it's the pants!

Anyway N looks amazing! I really cannot wait for more details about him! He looks very BA
It would be super interesting if we got an "aged" rival!
In the past, the rival has mainly been someone the same age as the player. It'd be interesting to have to compete against an adult. Am I right?
Nahh i don't like it. How is it a rival if they're much older? You can't legitimately be compared to someone with more experience than you, and since you are supposed to be a first-time trainer then anyone older has more experience than you right?

I think Cheren looks like he should have Mijumaru and the blonde chick should have Tsutaaja. Just sayin.

Actually i change my mind. The blonde chick looks like a mom cuz she's got a long old lady skirt on.
swimfastray said:
I think Cheren looks like he should have Mijumaru and the blonde chick should have Tsutaaja. Just sayin.

You bring up a good point. It would be nice to know the trainer the neglected pokemon goes to (IE: The one not picked by you and your main rival).
Can't deny this one, the similarities are there. Supposedly they also look similar to a lamp. lol. (when the picture of all the rivals came out, some said the rival, who became known as Yuberu or Beru, was a lamp).

It would be interesting to see a connection between an Isshu character and a Sinnoh one. Just like the Team Plasma rumor with Charon.
I honestly think Makomo is Cheren's mother. It seems pretty likely, concerning their similarities, so im betting on that. And why does everyone think (Yu)Beru is Barry's mom!?!?!?! Do people think this takes place in the past? NO! And childhood friends are ALWAYS the same age. So stop thinking about that stuff. Sister? Maybe. Mother/Grandmother? NEVER! (IMO :p)
I don't really see any similar colours. The hair's a different colour, the green colours are different, as are the orange/red colours. The only similar colours seem to be... the white.

...Well, I guess we can't know for sure until we've got a better scan, but as it is now, nearly no colours are alike, and even if they were, they wouldn't look anything like each other...

Anyways. I like Cheren. And Beruwhatever. From what I've seen of them, they both seem to be great characters. And that's enough for me.
StellaTheSneasel said:
We all now officially know he's a dude:) He ain't gonna be a girl no way, jose D: AND if he was a girl, well... Ew.

There is a word I am thinking of, begins with a "t" and ends with a "estite" XD

And she looks young, just has meh hair and a weird hat. (Looks french)

Does anyone else notice Makomo's extremely long hair?
@ShayminSky: That was my first impression of her about the whole French thing. It'd be cool to have another foreign face in the game IMO. Then again, IIRC, Fantina from DPPt was originally intended to be from America in the Japanese games, and that didn't turn out right...
EeveeKillr said:
She could be Barrys' grandma!

Well this may be a little farfetched, but I think it is more likely that this new blonde girl is younger than Barry. It seems that Isshu is more developed and possibly in the future (after D/P/Pt). This being said I doubt she is his grandma or mother. They could be siblings or (and this may be a huge stretch) this is Barry's daughter. (I doubt this though)

My personal opinion is that they have no relation. I mean it wouldn't be that unusual for KS to be fond of the Barry sign. Maybe he liked it enough to make a new character very similar looking?

Who knows though...
ManhattanTheStarr said:
Maybe it's just me, but Cheren seems very masculine to me.
1. He has a flat chest (even though the female protagonist has a pretty flat chest, too... lololol)
2. LOOK AT HIS PANTS! And we all know it's strictly forbidden for female characters in Pokemon to wear pants. >.>
3. His expression (looks pretty dull to be female, considering how perky the females usually are)
4. His pose (most girls don't rub their chinny when thinking xD)

I'm not sure if I'll sound dumb if I ask this... but who's "Makomo"? X_x
Cheren is confirmed that is a boy.