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The Chosion Nine (Charizard/Typhlosion/Ninetails)

Ghost Bear

Eat work. Crap money.
I just made this deck the other day and I like the feel of it when played, but I definitely feel like it needs some help to be refined.

Pokemon (14):
2-1-2 Charizard (Arceus)
2-1-2 Typhlosion (HGSS, 1 prime 1 regular)
2-2 Ninetales (vulpix PL Ninetails CoL)

Trainers and Supporters (27):
4 rare candy
2 research record
1 Communication
2 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball

4 collectors
2 fisherman
2 interviewer's questions
2 twins
1 black belt
2 bebe's search
1 palmer's contribution


14 fire
3 rescue

use collector to get basics on the bench and help from rare candy and
BTS to evolve to charizard and hit for 80 damage for 1 energy to keep pressure on then get typhlosion prime and ninetails set up after to tech for energy cycling and drawing cards. second charizard for backup and regular typhlosion as third string offense.

I could use any advice for this deck. I'm thinking I should stick with only a few different trainers and supporters for consistency but I'm having a hard time deciding which to stick with. also I'm thinking of getting Reshiram in there when B/W comes out to do basically what charizard and the regular typhlosion do.

thats a cute deck name

anyways, i would take out the 1 unown q and spiritomb
and add in 1-1 ninetales hgss

also, i would take out a few fire energies for some rescue energies and expert belt
You spelled chosen wrong.
Why regular Typhlosion? I would suggest playing 2-1-2 also, why would you need 3 Cyndaquil if you have 2 Typhlosion (don't say consistency, that makes it less consistent actually).
I think it was on purpose.


Nice wordplay there. ;)

Also, the second Typhlosion regular is most likely for an Umbreon tech, so if you expect that, that's definitely the best tech for it. I agree the 3rd Cyndaquil can go, however, but another Vulpix could probably help out more for the start. I'm not sure which Vulpix is here, but if it's the PL one or the Shiny from PL, both are fine options.

dmaster out.
ogeray said:
thats a cute deck name

anyways, i would take out the 1 unown q and spiritomb
and add in 1-1 ninetales hgss

also, i would take out a few fire energies for some rescue energies and expert belt

haha thanks :) yeah I kind of defaulted to the unown q and spiritomb. adding the extra 1-1 ninetails could be good in case one is in prize or is knocked out. I had plently of fire energies because of ninetails but I guess if I have typhlosion prime then it would cycle through anyway, and fisherman would help bring back energies as well. Thanks for the help! I'll update it.

Dia said:
You spelled chosen wrong.
Why regular Typhlosion? I would suggest playing 2-1-2 also, why would you need 3 Cyndaquil if you have 2 Typhlosion (don't say consistency, that makes it less consistent actually).

dmaster got it right about the name. I had 3 cyndaquil because I needed more fire pokemon for charizard (charizard would be the main attacker) with his fire formation poke-body. but I'm thinking of replacing the spiritomb and unown q with another 1-1 ninetails like Ogeray suggested, so that would solve that problem. with the extra spot I could find another fire pokemon basic (like reshiram when it comes out...which I think would be a good addition to this deck)

dmaster said:
I think it was on purpose.


Nice wordplay there. ;)

Also, the second Typhlosion regular is most likely for an Umbreon tech, so if you expect that, that's definitely the best tech for it. I agree the 3rd Cyndaquil can go, however, but another Vulpix could probably help out more for the start. I'm not sure which Vulpix is here, but if it's the PL one or the Shiny from PL, both are fine options.

dmaster out.

you were spot on with both the reason for the spelling of the name, as well as the reason for the regular typhlosion. all the other pokemon would crumble to umbreon. so with typhlosion regular having no power or body, it would destroy umbreon and release a huge weight off my shoulders.

I was running the vulpix from CoL because I completely forgot about the PL ones (foolish of me not shopping around enough for the basics). I'd prefer having the shiny one but that is a little harder to come by/more expensive, but even the normal PL one, it'd be way better for this deck than the CoL one. I'll be sure to go the PL (hopefully shiny) route.


I still really need help with slimming down the trainers and supporters. I want to add an expert belt or two in but not sure what to switch out for it. plus having so many single amounts is annoying but I'm a sucker for variety...I like the effects of all of them but it's unreliable this way :(
I would like to point out that you cannot play more than four of a certain card (excluding basic energys) so playing five Rescue Energy would not work.
I suggest playing three. I can help you with your list a little, but I don't think I have the time right now so I'll try to post back here later.:)
oh yeah, duh. forgot that applied to special energies. I'll fix that. thanks! now I know where my expert belt slot will come from haha.

I look forward to your future advice :)