The Collector's Showcase: Post Pictures of Any Type of Pokémon Collection!

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It's really nice to know, we still don't know all the information we think we do about the card game. Only ex employees of WOTC would know more.
Newly acquired beauty:
Finally accomplished another VS goal I had set for myself!

And then this is just something I've had for a while but thought it'd be cool to lay them out.

And now to line them up with last weeks additions!

And finally, more stuff I got earlier this week but this also will act as a teaser to what I purchased a few days ago that will arrive in a couple of weeks hopefully..
Thanks for sharing; those are super cool. I have to have a lot of respect for people who collect boosters because... I never could. The temptation to open them would just be too great....

If you don't mind me asking, where do you find those ADV boosters?

Those are all very impressive additions!
Salamencetrainer34 said:
Foreign, whats the name of the set that has the registeel pack art? (In Japanese translation)

That would be Undone Seal if I'm not mistaken.
Artemis said:
Thanks for sharing; those are super cool. I have to have a lot of respect for people who collect boosters because... I never could. The temptation to open them would just be too great....

Well, don't give me some of that respect because I have trouble keeping packs sealed too! The only thing is, I know the VS ones will always be sealed because I already completed the set. As for the others, oh boy is it tempting. I probably will end up opening one of each so I can add it to my "Poke-resume".

SoulWind said:
If you don't mind me asking, where do you find those ADV boosters?
Those are all very impressive additions!

Thanks! They were for sale by a private seller about a month ago. He was selling them for $6 a pack but I was having Paypal issues for a few weeks and sadly during that time some of the eBay sellers somehow got their nasty paws on him and threw money at him alright. Once my Paypal issues were resolved the price had gone up cause the seller realized there was money to be made. :p

And yep, the japanese name for the set is "Undone Seal".
I can top ForeignDude :p

Anybody who knows what this is will drool since I have never seen one before but knew they were out there...


Man I'd like to buy a Golden Sky and Silver Sea box... As well as the E-series... Where was I when those were around...
bagoly14 said:
I can top ForeignDude :p

Anybody who knows what this is will drool since I have never seen one before but knew they were out there...



Give me a week or two... :p

But yikes that is definitely an awesome pack! I've seen opened packs for sale but a sealed one...oh man that's a beauty!
bagoly14 said:
I can top ForeignDude :p

Anybody who knows what this is will drool since I have never seen one before but knew they were out there...



What is that?
Mcdonalds P Promo pack from back in....2002.

It has 1 of 5 P-Promos in it, 21-25/P. Would be great if I got a Gem mint Umbreon out of it.

No whammy no whammy no whammy....Tyrouge. Damn it. haha
Could anyone help me on this? I have tons of bulk sitting in my room in nice stacks of 100. I would like to secure each stack with a rubber band wrapped around it, but I'm not sure if it will damage the cards. Anyone have any experience in this? Thanks.
To protect against damage, you're better off storing your bulk in card boxes/cases; you can get cardboard ones for pretty cheap online, and use divider inserts to separate it out however you wish.

If you really want to rubber band them for whatever reason, make sure that the rubber bands aren't tight, and wrap paper or cloth around the cards before banding them to protect from dings or dents.
Artemis said:
To protect against damage, you're better off storing your bulk in card boxes/cases; you can get cardboard ones for pretty cheap online, and use divider inserts to separate it out however you wish.

If you really want to rubber band them for whatever reason, make sure that the rubber bands aren't tight, and wrap paper or cloth around the cards before banding them to protect from dings or dents.

I agree with all of this.

I store all my bulk in a big cardboard box that has 3 rows (2 dividers), and then I have little plastic divider tabs to separate the stacks. If you don't feel like doing this, then please follow the second part of Artemis's advice. Make sure you wrap the stacks in something before loosely rubber banding them.
Which collection do I post? EX FA collection, JPN EX FA collection, or my gold star collection? (Will edit post with the voted collection)
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