The Community Shop *Open for all requests*

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Nidoking Master :)

The Community Shop now has 3 dedicated members. I have a variety of skills when it comes to GFX such as making Wallpapers,Avatars and userbars but I specialise in signatures. Pokemaister was our first employee here at the Community Shop and he is our avatars specialist but can also make banners. FatalAeroX is our third member here. He is probably the most diverse member here that can not only do the general banners and avatars but is our pokemon egg specialist. Jajy4 is the Community Shop's most recent member. Jayj4 is a very skilled Spriter but he is certainly not just a Spriter. As well as that he is emerging as one of the better Banner makers in this whole forum. So as you can see we are a very diverse team so we hope to see you requesting here at the Community Shop.

1.Please be patient when requesting from this shop.
2. Do not flame/spam this topic
3. Give Credit, where credit is due. E.g. say I made you a sig. I would hope you would put 'made by josh' where you put your sig in.
4. Add 'phr33sigplz' in your request or your request will be denied

I really do hope you follow these rules before posting because we are not obliged to do your request. If you do not show any of my employees some respect than you can forget about your order and take it somewhere else. Any rude remarks here and I will not only ban you from my shop but I will also notify the other shop owners.
Ok now that you have read the rules you are free to make your request using this format
Request Form A-General GFX
-Render/Stock (just tell me the name, I will find the picture that I can work with best)
-Main Text (Optional)
-Subtext (Optional)
-Form of Art (Signature, Team Banner, Avatar, Wallpaper, Userbar)
-Artist (Josh,Pokemeister,FatalAeroX,Jayj4)

Request Form B-Spriting

What type of sprite do you want?(Fusion, Animated, Recolour etc.):
Pokemon 1:
Pokemon 2:
Pokemon 3(Optional):
Pokemon 4(Optional):
Pokemon 5(Optional):
Pokemon 6(Optional):
Type (For Type change only):
Colour (For Recolour or for Background):
Expression(for Expression change only):
Other info:

Now for a little explanation:
For 'What type of sprite do you want' you have to say what type of product you want from the following list:
Recolours, Fusions, iPokemon, Animated Sprites, Type Change, Expression Change, Trainer Cards and Teams.
Pokemon 1, Pokemon 2 Pokemon 3 etc. you have to write a Pokemon, whether is for a fusion or a Trainer card. However after Pokemon 3 they are optional.
For Type, you have to write a type, for example water. Only if you wrote type change as your product.
For Colour you have to say a colour for a colour change product, or if you want an iPokemon.
For Text, you have to write a word or phrase, and can be used on any product.
For Expression you have to either type in an expression or describe it, for example :3 is one. It is for expression change
And finally other info. for example if you want a colour change, and you have written two pokemon and want one colour transfered from one pokemon to another, then state it here.
Sorry for the long explanation, but I don't want anyone confused. Also sorry for the long form, you can use parts of it, if you're not using the rest.

Now for those wanting to join me in the Community Shop Team please follow this format.
Note: The Community Shop Is not Hiring any More unless you can add some skill that is not yet covered by our members!
Application Form
Work Experience:
2 Examples:
Contact Info:
The Team
Shop Founder:

Shop Employees:
Josh's Work and Examples:

PokeMaister's Work and Examples

FatalAeroX's Work and Examples

Jayj4's Work and Examples

Clan/Team Partners
Now obviously being an new shop we need to get our name out there as being one of the best Shops in the forum. So we have a special offer for those who lead a clan/team.
If you guys join up with us you get 'special treatment' in the Community Shop. You will get anything you want made in the shortest time possible and will be our first priority.
Now all these privileges obviously need a little something in return. We would love some 'advertisement' from you guys. If you have any banners or anything made by us please put a link under it that links to this shop. If you would like to become partners with us we would also do the same for you linking back to your team's thread.

So if you would like to become partners please PM myself about why you would want to become partners and tell me a little about your group and its needs.
Our Partners
Team Rogue
Ok guys that's the shop. So request a sig. love it. use it. credit it.
RE: The Community Shop

-Render/Stock: Doryuuzu & Zuruzukin, please.
-Main Text: Team Mysteria
-Subtext: ST17

Thanks in advance, Josh!
RE: The Community Shop

thanks Dmaster!

And yeah sure thing Sinnoh. I will get to your request very soon just busy doing a few touch ups on my team aha.
RE: The Community Shop

-Render/Stock- 1
-Main Text- k1ll3d
-Subtext- Team Typhoon
-Form of Art- electivire
RE: The Community Shop

Come on man I explained in brackets what things meant. The render/stock is elective and the form of art I am assuming is a signature. Dw though just remember next time aha
RE: The Community Shop

It's your lucky daysaha. New style and you are the first two to have a sig made by me using it ;). Obviously with most sigs it works best with one render but don't think the mysteria one is too bad aha


RE: The Community Shop

-Render/Stock (just tell me the name, I will find the picture that I can work with best) Pippin form Lord of the Rings
-Main Text (Optional) Can I have some bacon?
-Subtext (Optional)
-Form of Art - Banner
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

Why the heck are your sigs so big?
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

here ya go

text sucks I know but it's a bit too much to write aha

why the heck does it matter? This is a size that I like and that's all that matters. If it's too small it looks to cramped. If you were a GFX artist than you'd understand
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

Name: Pokemaister899
Specialty: Banners, Avatars
Work Experience: About 2 months now with GIMP.

Oh and Josh sigs in Pokebeach can only be a specific size(can't remember which)
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

woops forgot to add in to show examples :p Mind to show me at least 2?
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

Sorry if you're busy, but I have a request.

-Render/Stock: Daikenki, Shinporah and Buffalon
-Main Text: Tsuki64
-Subtext: None
-Form of Art: Signature

Thanks for your time!
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

ok before I make this I warn you I am not the best with multiple renders X). So I'll do my best jaja.
I'll have it done within 2 hours. Kinda busy atm
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

It's alright, I don't mind. Your other work looks awesome, so I'm sure it'll look fine.
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

haha I should hope so :p

I hate having unhappy customers :p If you don't like it I'll make another. I'm usually very dedicated haha
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

I love it! Thanks again, Josh! I truly appreciate it.
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

no problem mate ^^
Lemme know if you want another one later (preferably one render :p)
Aw frick forgot bout Tsuki. Will do it now haha

ok here it is tsuki I hope you like it ^^
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