The Community Shop *Open for all requests*

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RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

Sweet, thanks! It looks good, and I'm loving the swirly things in the background - what are those called?
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

You want examples? Here you go.



(above can be smaller)



Oh, and I do Banners, Avatars, and Logos, sorry about that.
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

Tsuki they are c4ds :p. Basically 3D renders that are epic for effect but you can't just place them randomly or they look horrid.

and yeah Pokemeister I'll take you on board. Add my MSN so we can chat:
[email protected]
kthx ;)
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

I would but I have no MSN

If you want to talk to me PM'ing me would be best.
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

Name: FatalAeroX
Specialty:Banner, avatar, userbars, eggs
Work Experience:Well...Since Aug 2010
2 Examples:

Or come to my gallery...=D
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

haha talking by PM is too hard for long convos aha. Lot easier on msn. This isn't my main msn so I made one just for internet communities to separate my real life from my online life X).
Yeah Fatal I'll take you on board as well. If you have MSN please add the one posted above ^^

Also what program do each of you use?

alright guys I added a small intro to the shop that basically describes our skills. And also added your examples shown here to the first post
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

Use GIMP 2.

Also for talking we can also go on the PokeBeach chat room, remember that.
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

ah k that will be alright. So yeah if you want any other examples on the first post please PM me them
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

alright officially now partners with Team Rogue!
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

-Render/Stock (just tell me the name, I will find the picture that I can work with best): Here you go.
-Main Text (Optional): Eruption
-Form of Art (Signature, Team Banner, Avatar, Wallpaper, Userbar): Signature.
-Artist (Josh,Pokemeister,FatalAeroX): Josh.
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

-Render/Stock- Excalibur(Soul Eater)
-Main Text-FOOL!!!
-Sub Text- My legend begins in the 12th century...
-Form of Art-Signature
-Artist- Josh I guess XD

Thx in Advance!!!

EDIT: sry if you already started, but I kinda changed my mind. lol.
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

I do have msn but I don't really use it because I'm only limited to using if you have skype as well..I'll try adding on skype as well...=D
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

@Tcg I doubt that would make much of a signature tbh.. Have never even thought of doing anything like that because of how dark the volcano is.. I could try but effects-wise it would have to be pretty limited. No doubt I'll try though :p

@LuxTwo I'll do yours too aha.

Guys remember if you want an avatar contact Pokemaister or anything with eggs Fatal is the person to go to X).

and yeah Fatal I have a webcam so I'll try get skype. Kthx :)
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

-Render/Stock: A shedinja picture
-Main Text: My Trade Thread
-Subtext: No thank you
-Form of Art: Banner
-Artist: who ever is available
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***


Tell me anything you want to change....=)
RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

-Render/Stock: A picture of Master Cheif from Halo, and the Pikachu in this picture:, and my favourite thing in the world, the donkey sign in my avatar ( just type in falling donkey on google images)
-Main Text: ocmedy. (no capitals, and keep period at end, please)
-Form of Art: banner
-Artist: Josh

RE: The Community Shop *Open for all requests* ***Hiring***

sorry ocmedy too many random things in there that I doubt I can make a tag with all those different elements. Maybe if you gave me something better to work with X) If either one of the other workers want to try it they may so but I sorry can not.

and for you Lux

think it's one of my better sigs with this style

and as I said this was a very strange picture to work with so hope you like it :S
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