The Continue the Story Game (IS BACK!!!)

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Then Amy collapsed again, into a coma. Doctors said that she will remain this way for years. Tim cried and cried and cried. Then...
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

Then Tim stopped crying and then spanked Amy after,then.....
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

Amy woke up and revealed the Doctor as an unqualified doctor, and took of his disguise, and everybody saw the bad Nurse Joy again!
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

And then Amy collapsed again. Nurse Joy was killed by Tim, and a real doctor came. Amy needed to use an oxygen mask. Then the oxygen mask soon....
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

Was known that it was made by Nurse Joy then it exploded....
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Sending explosives straight into Amy's nose and mouth, clogging up her windpipe and her arteries. Doctors say that there is only a 10% chance of survival...
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

then the doctors removed maskes then it was the real Nurse Joy and more clones!after,,
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

Tim killed the REAL nurse joy, and Amy got treated by a REAL doctor.
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

then the doctor said her arteries and windpipe are ok already....
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

So the fake Nurse Joy, now a zombie, returned...
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

and got killed by Amy's machine gun. Amy and Tim walked over to a KFC outlet and ate merrily, when suddenly..
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

demanded two pieces of chicken from Amy and Tim. Amy blasted the TR member with her machine gun and...
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

the team rocket guy finally revealed that kfc was created by the same ninja they met before,and the food was poisonous....
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

the KFC manager asked Tim and Amy to leave when Ditto,Castform,Ditto's friend,Tyranitar,Big Man,Giant Beetle approaches the KFC outlet and started making chaos...
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

And the Nurse Joy, who did not die because she was a zombie, grabbed the Big Man and threw him back to his home. He was unhurt because of Thick Fat.
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

He was, however, hurt by a blitzball chucked by some dude in the street. (note: not new character) The Zombie Joy then lost her arm. It just fell off. THen...
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

The group decided to go to Giga City! But first they had to pass through Little Town, where the journey had started...And then Big Man came in a very fast car to fetch them!
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

Then ZOOOM!! To Giga City! Halfway, the car's fuel tank went boom, and then...
RE: The "Continue The Story" Game (PM me if you make a new character)

He took out a 72-pack of coke, shook it, and used THAT as an engine. It actually worked, which lead to...