I decided to make this deck and test it out on PlayTCG. Any help and constructive criticism is appreciated. 
3 Zoroark DEX
1 Zoroark BW
4 Zorua (Ascension)
2 Darkrai EX
2 Tornadus
1 Cleffa
1 Absol Prime
2 Weavile UD
2 Sneasel
4 Dark Claw
4 Dark Patch
3 Prof. Juniper
2 Sage's Training
3 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Ultra Ball
2 Cilan
4 Special Dark
6 Basic Dark
Strategy: I open with Collector in hand and use it on T1 to bring out the Zoruas. Then on T2, use Ultra Ball to get out the Zoroarks and evolve them right away then use either Juniper, Junk Arm or Ultra Ball to put the Dark energies to the discard to activate Dark Patch and use it on the Zoroarks. Attach the Dark Claws to add damage to his attacks and fire away with Brutal Bash. If Zoroark is low on HP, use Darkrai EX for the free retreat and bring up another one.
Any feedback is highly appreciated!
3 Zoroark DEX
1 Zoroark BW
4 Zorua (Ascension)
2 Darkrai EX
2 Tornadus
1 Cleffa
1 Absol Prime
2 Weavile UD
2 Sneasel
4 Dark Claw
4 Dark Patch
3 Prof. Juniper
2 Sage's Training
3 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Ultra Ball
2 Cilan
4 Special Dark
6 Basic Dark
Strategy: I open with Collector in hand and use it on T1 to bring out the Zoruas. Then on T2, use Ultra Ball to get out the Zoroarks and evolve them right away then use either Juniper, Junk Arm or Ultra Ball to put the Dark energies to the discard to activate Dark Patch and use it on the Zoroarks. Attach the Dark Claws to add damage to his attacks and fire away with Brutal Bash. If Zoroark is low on HP, use Darkrai EX for the free retreat and bring up another one.
Any feedback is highly appreciated!