Friend Code: 1778-9589-8115
Time Zone: -6:00
Times Available: I am usually on most of the day.
-most Hidden Ability Pokemon such as Fennekin, Froakie, Liepard, Phantump, Chalmeleon, Growlithe, Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Mienfoo, Riolu, Kirla, Ponyta, Dedene, Shuppet, Goomy, Ditto, Minccino, Purrlion and just a few more beyond that. Can also breed Electabuzz and Magmars along with others. Now with Larvesta, Manelectric Magmar, Chansey and way more~
- Friend Safari Dittos.
-Dusk, Shiny, and Dawn Stones.
- Feebas (To be bred later)
Eevee ((Is from the VGC or 2010. It is also in a Cherish Ball so I dunno if I can trade it))
5IV: ((Ain't going to list each one's IVs but I will put up a list of Pokemon with 5 IVs. Any Pokemon that has 4 IVs but is perfect due to having a 0 in a certain stat that benefits it will also be put up here.))
Growlithe x4 Both Male with different abilities. Both know Close Combat and Morning Sun. Adamant
Espurr ((Male)) x2 No HA. They know Trick and Yawn. Calm.
Espurr ((Female)) x4 All HA. Know Trick and Yawn. Calm ((But can be made into Bold upon request.))
Honedge x6 ((One has 0 Spd and/or 0 Sp.atk)) Brave
Froakie x2 HA x2 Normal. Timid.
Ralts* x5 All male ((4 has Trace the other has Synchronize)) Timid.
*IVs are meant for Special Sweeping
Sneasels. All Adamant. They all know Ice Punch and Icicle Crash. Only have 4 left.
Honedges. All Brave. 2 left.
Growlithes. One male and female. Adamant. Both have IVs everything but Sp.Atk and HP. Also has the HA for both. Have Flash Fire Female one too.
Froakies. Some with HA. 8 left
Ralts. Timid and know Skill Swap. 4 left
These Pokemon may have between 1-3 perfect IVs, in fact, I accidentally throw some 4IV ones in here from time to time. After a week, these Pokemon will be wonder traded off so its best to act fast on this offer. Various Pokemon could also be a level besides 1. If this is the case, it was a Pokemon used in breeding until a better one came up.
Pumpkaboo (Super Sized) ((I have like 10+ boxes full of the little darlings. Both parents in the Day care have HP, Atk, Def, Sp.Def. The Male has 31 in spd while the Female has 0 so please be sure to keep this in mind.))
Legendaries: ((This will mostly be tradebacks for other Pokemon I am missing. Now, if I have extras, I'll trade them off for whatever interests me the most.))
Shiny Entei ((From the Zoroark Movie event))
Regice (Has a spare)
Registeel (Has a spare)
Heatran ((Have two. One is from one of the Pokemon Ranger games.))
Cresselia ((Has a spare))
Manaphy (To be honest, not sure if I can even trade it.)
Zekrom (Has a spare)
Services Offered:
Shiny Breeding.
EV Training.
Currently breeding: Brave Honedge with 4IVs. No IVs in Speed and/or Sp.Atk. Shiny Breeding for a friend for a few Ghost Shinies.
To be bred soon
- Basically, any shiny. Though, I want a shiny Honedge, Froakie, Eevee, Pumpkaboo, Golett, and Torchic above all. (If you have a Hidden Ability one, I will love you forever if you give it to me. I'll take any nature and IVs, no matter how crappy! Also, I value shinys based on evo stage. The base evo will make me throw everything out the window just for it but if it is a final evo, I will consider it just above a Chain fished Pokemon and offers may be a bit... less than expected.
- Hidden abilities of any Pokemon except of the ones mentioned aboved.
- 5 IV Ditto
- Foreign Pokemon. Bonus points if they have 3 or more perfect IVs.
- BP Items such as Razor Claw, Assault Vest, Choice Scarf/Band/Specs, Electirizier, Toxic Orb, Focus Sash, Life Orb Magmarizer, Muscle Band, Weakness Policy, White Herb, Wide Lens and Wise Glasses. I will breed you whatever you want for any of these. (Don't expect shinies though unless its a really good offer.)
-Competitive 4 or 5IV Pokemon
-Every Pokemon I am missing. ((Will come back in edit in a list.))
Side note. If I appear online, more than likely, I am breeding and checking IVs and/or wonder trading. You are more than welcome to give me a Hatching power and if you hint at that you too are breeding, I will more than likely do the same for you.
Order Queue:
Time Zone: -6:00
Times Available: I am usually on most of the day.
-most Hidden Ability Pokemon such as Fennekin, Froakie, Liepard, Phantump, Chalmeleon, Growlithe, Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Mienfoo, Riolu, Kirla, Ponyta, Dedene, Shuppet, Goomy, Ditto, Minccino, Purrlion and just a few more beyond that. Can also breed Electabuzz and Magmars along with others. Now with Larvesta, Manelectric Magmar, Chansey and way more~
- Friend Safari Dittos.
-Dusk, Shiny, and Dawn Stones.
- Feebas (To be bred later)
Eevee ((Is from the VGC or 2010. It is also in a Cherish Ball so I dunno if I can trade it))
5IV: ((Ain't going to list each one's IVs but I will put up a list of Pokemon with 5 IVs. Any Pokemon that has 4 IVs but is perfect due to having a 0 in a certain stat that benefits it will also be put up here.))
Growlithe x4 Both Male with different abilities. Both know Close Combat and Morning Sun. Adamant
Espurr ((Male)) x2 No HA. They know Trick and Yawn. Calm.
Espurr ((Female)) x4 All HA. Know Trick and Yawn. Calm ((But can be made into Bold upon request.))
Honedge x6 ((One has 0 Spd and/or 0 Sp.atk)) Brave
Froakie x2 HA x2 Normal. Timid.
Ralts* x5 All male ((4 has Trace the other has Synchronize)) Timid.
*IVs are meant for Special Sweeping
Sneasels. All Adamant. They all know Ice Punch and Icicle Crash. Only have 4 left.
Honedges. All Brave. 2 left.
Growlithes. One male and female. Adamant. Both have IVs everything but Sp.Atk and HP. Also has the HA for both. Have Flash Fire Female one too.
Froakies. Some with HA. 8 left
Ralts. Timid and know Skill Swap. 4 left
These Pokemon may have between 1-3 perfect IVs, in fact, I accidentally throw some 4IV ones in here from time to time. After a week, these Pokemon will be wonder traded off so its best to act fast on this offer. Various Pokemon could also be a level besides 1. If this is the case, it was a Pokemon used in breeding until a better one came up.
Pumpkaboo (Super Sized) ((I have like 10+ boxes full of the little darlings. Both parents in the Day care have HP, Atk, Def, Sp.Def. The Male has 31 in spd while the Female has 0 so please be sure to keep this in mind.))
Legendaries: ((This will mostly be tradebacks for other Pokemon I am missing. Now, if I have extras, I'll trade them off for whatever interests me the most.))
Shiny Entei ((From the Zoroark Movie event))
Regice (Has a spare)
Registeel (Has a spare)
Heatran ((Have two. One is from one of the Pokemon Ranger games.))
Cresselia ((Has a spare))
Manaphy (To be honest, not sure if I can even trade it.)
Zekrom (Has a spare)
Services Offered:
Shiny Breeding.
EV Training.
Currently breeding: Brave Honedge with 4IVs. No IVs in Speed and/or Sp.Atk. Shiny Breeding for a friend for a few Ghost Shinies.
To be bred soon
Lightningrod Volt Tackle/Fake Out 5IV Pichu
Brave Contrary 4IV (No Spd) Inkay
Regenerator 5IV Me First Jolly Mienfoo
Prankster Blaze Kick/Bullet Punch/High Jump Kick Jolly 5IV Riolu
Suction Cups 4IV Lileep (Mostly for fishing for shinies)
Solar Power Ancient Power/Dragon Pulse Timid 5IV Charmander
Scrappy Circle Throw 5IV Adamant Pancham
Skill Link Aqua Tail 5IV Adamant Minccino
Magician Heat Wave/Wish 5IV Timid Fennekin
Infiltrator Heat Wave/Haze/Clear Smog 5IV Timid Litwick
Speed Boost Baton Pass/Night Slash 5IV Adamant Torchic
Super Luck/Serene Grace Extrasenory 5IV Timid Togepi
Iron Barbs Seed Bomb/Leech Seed/Stealth Rock 4IV (No Speed) Brave Ferroseed
Frisk 4IV (No Speed) Impish Huge Pumpkaboo
...And more to come as the breeding continues.
Brave Contrary 4IV (No Spd) Inkay
Regenerator 5IV Me First Jolly Mienfoo
Prankster Blaze Kick/Bullet Punch/High Jump Kick Jolly 5IV Riolu
Suction Cups 4IV Lileep (Mostly for fishing for shinies)
Solar Power Ancient Power/Dragon Pulse Timid 5IV Charmander
Scrappy Circle Throw 5IV Adamant Pancham
Skill Link Aqua Tail 5IV Adamant Minccino
Magician Heat Wave/Wish 5IV Timid Fennekin
Infiltrator Heat Wave/Haze/Clear Smog 5IV Timid Litwick
Speed Boost Baton Pass/Night Slash 5IV Adamant Torchic
Super Luck/Serene Grace Extrasenory 5IV Timid Togepi
Iron Barbs Seed Bomb/Leech Seed/Stealth Rock 4IV (No Speed) Brave Ferroseed
Frisk 4IV (No Speed) Impish Huge Pumpkaboo
...And more to come as the breeding continues.
- Basically, any shiny. Though, I want a shiny Honedge, Froakie, Eevee, Pumpkaboo, Golett, and Torchic above all. (If you have a Hidden Ability one, I will love you forever if you give it to me. I'll take any nature and IVs, no matter how crappy! Also, I value shinys based on evo stage. The base evo will make me throw everything out the window just for it but if it is a final evo, I will consider it just above a Chain fished Pokemon and offers may be a bit... less than expected.
- Hidden abilities of any Pokemon except of the ones mentioned aboved.
- 5 IV Ditto
- Foreign Pokemon. Bonus points if they have 3 or more perfect IVs.
- BP Items such as Razor Claw, Assault Vest, Choice Scarf/Band/Specs, Electirizier, Toxic Orb, Focus Sash, Life Orb Magmarizer, Muscle Band, Weakness Policy, White Herb, Wide Lens and Wise Glasses. I will breed you whatever you want for any of these. (Don't expect shinies though unless its a really good offer.)
-Competitive 4 or 5IV Pokemon
-Every Pokemon I am missing. ((Will come back in edit in a list.))
Side note. If I appear online, more than likely, I am breeding and checking IVs and/or wonder trading. You are more than welcome to give me a Hatching power and if you hint at that you too are breeding, I will more than likely do the same for you.
Order Queue: