Wi-Fi Trades The Dark Corner ((Pumpkaboos Everywhere. Also, updated with Legendaries and Shinies))

RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

Do you have a Sassy female goomy? And any updates on growlithe?
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

I think I do. And I am still trying to get a Ability Capsule. I keep getting knocked out on the 19th round in the triple battle format. XD

Edit: As I have it, I have a perfect 4IV Female Goomy with Sap Sipper. Has a IV in Hp, Def, Sp.atk, and Sp.Def and has a 0 in Speed.
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

Only want a Sassy female gooey
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

Oh. Then let me look. I may have one if I haven't wonder traded them all of them yet. XD;
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

I like Shiny Swalot. I have Shiny Dragalge, and I could get you a Battle Maison item of your choice (no ability capsule).
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

Hmmmm... You have a deal. :3 Can you get a Razor Claw for me?

Also, I do have a Female Gooey Goomy PokeChimpo. It is missing perfect IVs in Sp.Atk and Atk though.
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

Absolutely! I'll LYK when I have it! :D
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

Alright~ ^^
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

Is it sassy? Sassy and Gooey is all I need.
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

It is. I made sure. :p
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

How about, a Japanese adamant Kanga? I think it has 3IV's, and when you get Growlithe I'll trade the 2 I got from you with the 5IVs but not the correct IV's, for the new 5IV CC Growlithe, soon to be bred hopefully (in no rush).
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

Sounds good to me. :p
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

I'll be waiting. :p
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

DarkPhoenix said:
Hmm, I can see a few things that catch my eye but I have to ask, what IVs does the 4IV Pumpkaboo have?

A mix between HP, Attack, Defence, Special Defence and Speed. They are super size but do not have HA (don't need it, Grass types are more awesome now)
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

If you have one that is HP, Atk, Def, and Sp.Def and has Frisk, you have have a deal. ^^
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

Darn, they all have speed D: Umm, what about a male and female parents for a male and female parents of Sneasels?
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Also, in need of Razor Claws and much more!)

Eh, it'll work. PM me when you are online next time and we can start the trading.
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Freebies!)


Also, to all that have made a deal and have yet to trade, (Excluding PokeChimpo) I will back down from the deal after tomorrow so find a time with me since I am online most of the day and lets do the trade.
RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Freebies!)

Check my thread for a 5 IV Growlithe?
I'd also be interested in a second one with 3-4 IVs of the opposite gender if you have it.