RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Freebies!)
[\quote] @PokemonY123: Well, I hear ya out. IV breeding can be pain sometimes. Lol, I am trying to hatch a Shiny Golett with 4IVs in HP, Atk, Def and Sp.Def and all. But anyway, I'll be more than happy to help you out. In fact, since it is Christmas Eve, I will give it to ya for free. ((That and I am overwhelmed with a ton of 4 to 5 IV Froakies. X.X)) And if you want to, you can just give me a Scrappy Pancham in exchange. Just that. ^^
Oh and I have Y version too and have all the version's exclusives.
Thanks a lot, when do you want to trade.
My Friend code is 2466-2317-8786.
Hey I see that your online so if you don't mind can we trade now?
Hey I added you PM me when you want to trade.
Thanks again.