Discussion The Downfall of Shaymin EX: Zebstrika


A Cat
Ever wondered how you could easily win a game without taking out your opponents hard-hitters, but instead taking-out their supports? One of the new BREAKpoint cards, Zebstrika, comes in handy here. Being able to hit Shaymin EX for 50, then plus 60 because of Shaymins Fighting resistance, and then weakness, this will OHKO shaymin, and only at the cost of a DCE. Also, with a muscle band, you can as well OHKO Mega Rayquaza EX normal. This card is spectacular in my opinion because Zebtrika says that attacks from your lightning Pokemon aren't affected by end effects on your opponents Pokemon, so you can take a Mega Amphoros EX and deal random big damage only at the cost of hurting yourself, in which we don't care because we have Rough Seas. I know this is beginning to sound like more of a deck, however, Zebstrika can take out not just that, but Ghost types as well. Now while he can't hit them for Weakenss like other flying types, but he can OHKO trevant with. Muscle band, Gengar with a muscle band, and also hit hard other things like things I have suddenly forgot about. Anyways, as I was saying, this card is useful and overpowered seeing as how Shaymin EX is an overused card. He won't be anymore..
This won't be the downfall of shaymin. If you are only attacking shaymins you are not attacking bigger threats on the field. Sure the 2 prizes is good, but decks can easily avoid this with AZ. And most decks run only a few shaymin anyways, making it an unreliable system to take KOes. Even if you knock out 2 shaymins, what else are you going to do? Most decks that run shaymin are not pure colorless nor all resistant to fighting types. You can't possibly expect to take the last 2 prizes on doing 50-70 damage per turn.
I do get that zebstrika is splashable, but what deck really "needs it" to KO shaymin that wasn't already? Lucario? That deck is tight on space already.
Lastly, there really won't be a card that is gonna be the real downfall of shaymin. Pokemon has already released hex maniac, silent lab, and wobbuffet, and Shaymin is still very strong. Unless if PCL releases a basic one/2 colorless electric type attacker for 60 damage then I doubt it stop seeing play.
All you have to do is AZ your main Pokemon, bring Shaymin forward... Attached a Muscle Band and Double Colourless Energy and then attack with Shaymin for 50 and pick it up. You can do this for a few rounds while building up your bench to KO the opponents attackers.

Edited: As an aside I try not to leave my Shaymin on the bench anyway because they are at risk - low up and 2 prize card loss. You should reall only use them to get cards out quickly to set up your hard hitting Pokemon.
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I would like to point out that a strategy of beating every deck by taking out the Shaymins falls apart if your opponent just doesn't play them down.
It's funny that Zebstrika's attack does seem custom tailored to take out Shaymin-EX though. It does the exact damage to take it out, can't be a coincidence.
I've said this countless times, this isn't 2009-2010 anymore. You can't just keep trying to take out Shaymin (Uxie). RIP LuxChomp. And a 1-1 (super inconsistent) line is impossible to squeeze in right now since all decks are tight on space.

Giving up 2-4 prizes is nothing if you can finally prepare your attackers and start steamrolling.
Doing 110 to Knock Out a Shaymin-EX really isn't hard with any deck. Zebstrika isn't needed in this scenario. As noted above, if you are targeting Shaymin-EX, you aren't dealing with the opponent's attacker. Generally, you will Lysandre up a Shaymin-EX to take the last two prizes of a game, or if there are no active threats on the field, which probably means you're already well ahead of your opponent. Zebstrika doesn't add anything to this. However, it could be useful as a tech in Lightning decks- namely M Manectric-EX, and to a lesser extent Magnezone. The Ability can help M Manectric get around Giratina, one of its adversaries, and reduce damage from an opponent's Assault Vest. On top of that, the attack really isn't bad for a DCE, being able to one-shot the likes of Yveltal-EX and the odd M Rayquaza-EX. A 1-1 line isn't consistent, but less of a big deal if you only need it for certain matchups.
It's funny that Zebstrika's attack does seem custom tailored to take out Shaymin-EX though. It does the exact damage to take it out, can't be a coincidence.
it hits for weakness on shaymin so that hits for twice as much it is more built to exactly take out mega rayquaza colorless
Did anybody even see the Mega Amphoros EX part of this? This Zebra works really well with it and we have Magnezone, so we can power is up quickly, even hit Giratina EX for 150-170(after Muscle Band, via tool retriever) and KO it. I think this is actually viable as a standard deck now, and even with some Shaymins and more Super scoop up/Max Potion than usual because of Fisherman.
Well, the article title was shaymin going away from zen strike so mega ampharos would not come to mind before shaymin going away from this card.
Did anybody even see the Mega Amphoros EX part of this? This Zebra works really well with it and we have Magnezone, so we can power is up quickly, even hit Giratina EX for 150-170(after Muscle Band, via tool retriever) and KO it. I think this is actually viable as a standard deck now, and even with some Shaymins and more Super scoop up/Max Potion than usual because of Fisherman.

That's a Mega, a Stage 1, and a Stage 2 in the same deck. That sounds really inconsistent.