XY The Dumbest Thing You Did in Pokémon Games?

RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

I remember that first time I ever played... I took thee Team Rocket's masterball!

And throwed it to a team rocket's Ekans because 'it can catch any pokemon'
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

Released my starter Pokemon (Feraligatr) in Crystal because I thought the game would stop me.... nope. :(

Stupid 7 year old me.
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

I restarted my Ruby because I could not figure out how to get off the boat in the post-game. If only I had slept...
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

Mine is a weird kind of "regret."

Years ago, when Pokemon had the 10th anniversary tour, our dad brought my brother and I to the mall for the event. I got a Tyranitar and Dragonite as my two Pokemon (they were giving away two Pokemon to everyone who got in line for it -- this was a time when you had to manually link your system with a cable to trade or receive Pokemon). I loved them. They were always my two favorites because of movies and cards, but I never could get them as I wasn't sure where to find them in my games, and the internet wasn't something I used back then. I even passed up Latios and Latias for them!

At the same event I got a Celebi. It was the first time I ever owned one. It was just awesome; after seeing so many "Celebi" cards, and watching Pokemon 4Ever years in the past, I finally had my own Celebi!

I played that copy of Emerald for years. I remember going on our last family vacation (our car's aren't reliable enough for anything other than "staycations" now), playing that copy hours on end in the car. I could probably write exactly how everything went down that vacation solely because I have the memories intertwined with Pokemon Emerald. (I should start a thread on that here... Need to type up the OP and get it out there.)

A few years later, I had moved on from Emerald, and was playing Diamond. Now, my sister had phased out of Pokemon, and gaming as a whole at this point in time. But this year she showed some interest in trying Pokemon again. She had a DS from the past, so I picked up a cheap copy of Pokemon Pearl for her. But I figured, "Hey, Emerald was the last Pokemon game she played, so maybe she'd like that as well."

I deleted the data on my Emerald to give her the cartridge clean. Didn't transfer the Pokemon, didn't even think of it, until they were gone.

Thankfully a single Pokemon DID make it out, and that's a Mudkip. I absolutely adored Mudkip back then; I had two boxes full of them just because... I don't know, I wanted the most Mudkip ever or something. I moved one of them into my copy of Diamond as soon as I could because I wanted to see its new sprite. And I'm glad I did, because it's the only Pokemon I have left from that copy of Emerald.
SCf3 said:
Released my starter Pokemon (Feraligatr) in Crystal because I thought the game would stop me.... nope. :(

Stupid 7 year old me.

RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

Trying to make a shiny Graveler get low health on Diamond. It instantly used Self-Destruct. *oh darn*
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

Since the thread is focused on the VG I moved it to these forums. :)
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

Norgesnerd said:
Trying to make a shiny Graveler get low health on Diamond. It instantly used Self-Destruct. *oh darn*

Well, that technically isn't your fault. The only thing that could prevent that would be using a master ball first turn or getting lucky using a dusk, quick, or repeat ball...
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

IgnisMagister said:
Norgesnerd said:
Trying to make a shiny Graveler get low health on Diamond. It instantly used Self-Destruct. *oh darn*

Well, that technically isn't your fault. The only thing that could prevent that would be using a master ball first turn or getting lucky using a dusk, quick, or repeat ball...

Additionally, using a Pokémon with the Damp ability prevents Pokémon from using Self-Destruct or Explosion.
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

When i was young and playing Emerald I would just train my starter and put pokemon i wanted for later in the daycare. I just so happened to have two pokemon in there that were in the same egg group(I at the age i was I didn't know about them). I would stop by and check on them and their was always an egg. So I thought it was something special so for about a week or so all i did was collect shroomish eggs. I thought that i could trade them to people, but sadly as and only child and someone who didnt have friends who played pokemon i didnt know about a link cable. Looking back at in now I cant believe how stupid i was.
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

A friend of mine went to catch Zygarde.

Two words


I think we can all predict how that one ended

I honestly think that Shiny Gravler is the worst shiny to find. It seems to be really common, it's a useless pokemon, and it just ends up committing suicide before you can catch it
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

Reggie McGigas said:
A friend of mine went to catch Zygarde.

Two words


I think we can all predict how that one ended

I honestly think that Shiny Gravler is the worst shiny to find. It seems to be really common, it's a useless pokemon, and it just ends up committing suicide before you can catch it

Lol my first shiny was a geodude before I knew what a shiny was luckly i caught it :p
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

I have a new dumbest thing story from last week while I tried to ev train my talonflame

step 1: Talonflame was in my party and I forgot to turn off Exp. Share while I trained another Pokemon so I had to use my reset bag

step 2: Finds out that I reset the wrong Talonflame ( the one that is just for flying )

step 3: use my second reset bag on the right one

*Double face palm*
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

Just finished getting Hydro Pump and Dragon Pulse on a Horsea to breed onto a Bagon. I realized that the Horsea was female :p
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

i saw a really cool spinda pattern last week, thought, ....want it waant it want it .....then realised I'd already attacked ..then screamed
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

I consistently use a rain team with a Storm Drain Gastrodon in doubles. It literally took me several turns to figure out why my Politoed's Scald kept not working...


The sad thing is... I do this often...
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

Reggie McGigas said:
I honestly think that Shiny Gravler is the worst shiny to find. It seems to be really common, it's a useless pokemon, and it just ends up committing suicide before you can catch it

You have never encountered a shiny in the Battle Pyramid, have you? >.>

Hmm... My biggest Pokemon regret... I honestly can't think of anything big. I'm not too hard on myself for these kinds of mistakes, so they don't leave much of a lasting impact beyond not making those mistakes (as much) in the future. I know I kind of facepalmed at forgetting Snubbull was Fairy in my first Pokemon X run. Beyond that, nothing comes to mind. *shrug*
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

I dunno if this is my dumbest mistake, but one time in Showdown me and an opponent were in a pretty stalemated battle. I had a Tauros and I was trying to paralyze the enemy with Body Slam...but I think I sorta forgot what Sheer Force did, and that my Pokemon had it. =P

I think I ended up losing that battle. =P
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

I'm masuda breeding for a shiny Feebas and accidentally just let the Day Care guy keep one of the eggs. It's relatively minor, but I keep wondering; what if that one was the shiny?
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

Though it wasn't really my fault, I had to knockout a shiny Hoothoot that I came across in the beginning of SoulSilver, you know, before you get any Pokeballs!!! I had always wanted one of those, but it was not to be...
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?

Accidently running away from a shiny Kecleon :(
At least it wasn't anything I really wanted, since I already had another one, but still... :(