Finished The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer. Completed!

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RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Greyclaw was gnawing on a bone.
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Glares at Forte.
"You ask me as if I know how to deal with ghosts."
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Well you did want to stay at the beach by your self"
*Looks at Grayclaw*
"And then you ran back to us"
*Laughs at Grayclaw*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(Forte you are now onthe list to join you pass the evaluation ;) )
*Paul hurries downstairs.*
"Come on Forte. Just because he's scared doesn't mean you have too tease him."
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(That was easy and thanks)
*Looks at Paul*
"I'm just messing with him"
*Looks a Grayclaw*
"Plus he isn't the nicest around"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Really? And when did I insult YOU, oh polite one?"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Who said you insulted me? You just have a bad attitude."
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Indeed? Leafpaw the Wise once commented 'Put up with everyone, and you have everyone's respect.' You could learn alot from him, considering you know so little..."
*Greyclaw crunches the bone in half.
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"And there is the insult. I know more then you think I know"
*Glares at Greyclaw*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Drops the two bone pieces to the ground and stomps them to pieces. Greyclaw winks at Forte.
"'Knowledge is unmeasurable. You can't based someone's intelligence off of what you know.' That one didn't come from Leafpaw actually. If I were to say you know so little, think of it as a compliment, for it's impossible anyone to know beyond even the simple things in life."
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that"
*Floats outside*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Suit yourself. 'Content breeds no progress. No progress breeds weakness. Weakness breeds downfalls.'"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"You are really getting annoying with your so called quotes"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

Pokemon: Shiny Umbreon
Name: Engima
Behavior: Rather curious and playful.
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"It's not my quote. Besides, being a studied Flareon in philosophy, sorcery, and combat is why I'm still alive. You can only reach 25 years of age by either being smart or lucky. Unfortunately for me, Fate never gave me a decent break."
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Still doesn't mean you have to say them every time you speak"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Why not? If it applies, then it's suited for the conversation."
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Because you should use your knowledge to find a way to help us"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Closes his eyes, chuckling.
"Again, I have no experience on ghosts, and none of my magic - whose nature is elemental, not spiritual - has any adverse effects on them. Even I'm at a loss of what to do."
Even Marrisa, who surpassed her mentor, probably would be in the same situation.
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