Finished The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer. Completed!

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RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*A lighting bolt comes from out of the grass and hits Forte straight on the chest. Chuckling is heard from the direction of the attack*
"Hahaha! I told you, that if you mess with me I would get you, mister Hyper Beam. Hahaha! See ya later hotshot!"
*Turns and goes back home*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Takes the hit*
"He might be good to have around"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(Feraligatr you have not helped at all in the plot just caused fighting. You may retry in 3 days but you did not make the cut off. Sorry.)
(Bubba okay but I don't feel like going back to search. What's your character again?)
*The sun starts to set.*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

Charidude, can I join?
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(Electivire. Name is Buzzer. g2g now! See ya'll! :p)
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(Answered a long time ago SS and yes! Ok thanks Bubba.)
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(Sorry about that. I didnt see your post. WHere do I come in?)
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(First of all just wait a bit for people to come on. Can't remember, hat was your name/pokemon again?)
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

Soul the Leafeon, like on my PMD.

Behavior: Happy, kind of comedic. Sometimes brave, hates being leader for fear of watching someone fall and him not being able to do anything about it.
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(I can't think of any ways for you to join in except for doing something awkward. For now just do something like Bubb did and try to hope someone notices you. Do not do what Feraligatr did. Always stay active with at least one other member.)
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(Ok, mind if I run to where they are?)
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*sees the fight ahead and walks into the clearing.*"Hello? Anyone here?"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(what fight)
*Forte hears something*
"What now"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

( I thought you guys were fighting)
"Hi, I was wandering around and I saw what happened. Whats going on? Where am I?"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"....What is your name"
*Charges up a Hyper Beam"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Greyclaw gets in front of Forte.
"Don't mind the metal idiot. He's too aggressive. So, what's your name?"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Looks at Greyclaw*
"Just doing a demonstration"
*Fires hyper beam right over Soul*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*calmly stays still*"Hi, I am Soul, the Leafeon. Wats yours?"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"The name is Forte. You are very brave standing there"
*Charges up another Hyper Beam and aims it right at Soul*
Lets see how brave
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