Finished The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer. Completed!

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RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"We don't wanna!"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

Paul-"You will. Now come on, dinner will be served in about a half an hour."
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*dazily walks to confront Paul*
"I dont like the fact that y ou Houligans keep makin all this racket!~~"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

Maria: "We don't wanna... *Yawn* Take a... Nappy..."
*Falls asleep.*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Excuse me Soul? Do you have a problem with us?"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

ShayminSky! said:
(Also you should make it have another dissapearance on that beach so we can go check it out)

(Just an idea. The disappearacne could be Buzzer's wife. :) My two cents worth.)
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"I dont like that you are making all this racket while I am trying to sleep! And I am Old Man Jenkins! I eat a rose and I wanna sleep!~~"(like i said, i love dazed soul!)
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(Because of my constant inactiveness in this RPG, I'll formally quit right now. Sorry for the inconvenience.)
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(=( Sorry to see you go Zy. And Bubba, I already have it figured out.)
Paul-"Ol d man Jenkins... rose? Oh no! The rses weren't for eating Soul!"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"You wanna fight about it? I asked you if they were edible, but no one answered, so I ate one. Anything sounded edible at the time. OLD MAN JENKINS ATTACK!!!"(rofl)
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(got it)
"YEA, YOU WANNA FI-Hey, whats going on? What am I doing here???"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Maria mutters something in her sleep.*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Nothing Souls, you were just going off to take a nap and I was telling you to not eat the roses ok?"
Glad the effects wore off.
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Oh, ok. When will dinner be ready?"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"No... Nappy..."
*Is still asleep.*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Oh, ok. So, Paul, hows life?(XD)"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Emma walks down the stairs and into the kitchen*
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