RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)
Waiting List:
1.bubba235 (banner, evil pokemon, Electivire, Growlithe, Arcanine, Munchlax, Snorlax(sitting up), Lucario, Feraligatr, Riachu) Blade rush, bonsly1994
2.INFERNAPE (Trophies, 1st Arceus, 2nd Dialga, 3rd Palkia) LM
3.pokeric (Avatar pg.54) ...
4.Darkporygon2 (porygon2 pokeball, an evil porygon2, and porygon2 team renegade banner).MOT6K (banner pg.57)
5.bulbasuar45 (Scratch bulbasaur smelling flower)
6.Thund3r (Banner, avatar pg.57)
7.chill_glacia (Angel Pokemon,glacier pokemon pg.58)
8.Monferno 11 (Scratch Dragonite)
9.D&P (Scratch Pachirisu)
10.Mr.Metagross (I-pod electivire, silver I-pod
11.porygonzman (Trainer Card pg.64)
12.pokemonrandy (updated requests... see pg.68)
13.riolu_ranger (banner pg.65)
14.Uroborus (angel teddiursa)
15.Zaroco (fusion, houndoom flygon)
16.The Fallen (banner, pg.68)
17.welcomkanna (alot of things, see pg.68)

wow, our shop is popular, i'll hopefully get 5 requests done...