The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!) We're open!

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RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)

i really appreciate it, but i will wait as long as Bonsly needs, i am in no hurry to get it.
RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)

I worked on the banner for nothing. =(

Bonsy:What the heck is Nemas1s
RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)

not for nothing. i was practice! :D
RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)

HUH??? What the heck are you saying.

OH and I am open to do request guys
RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)

Can I have my scratch Pachirisu please ?
RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)

d&p i know you really want it but you can't rush perfecten
RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)

Waiting List:
1.bubba235 (banner, evil pokemon, Electivire, Growlithe, Arcanine, Munchlax, Snorlax(sitting up), Lucario, Feraligatr, Riachu) Blade rush, bonsly1994
2.INFERNAPE (Trophies, 1st Arceus, 2nd Dialga, 3rd Palkia) LM
3.pokeric (Avatar pg.54) ...
4.Darkporygon2 (porygon2 pokeball, an evil porygon2, and porygon2 team renegade banner).MOT6K (banner pg.57)
5.bulbasuar45 (Scratch bulbasaur smelling flower)
6.Thund3r (Banner, avatar pg.57)
7.chill_glacia (Angel Pokemon,glacier pokemon pg.58)
8.Monferno 11 (Scratch Dragonite)
9.D&P (Scratch Pachirisu)
10.Mr.Metagross (I-pod electivire, silver I-pod
11.porygonzman (Trainer Card pg.64)
12.pokemonrandy (updated requests... see pg.68)
13.riolu_ranger (banner pg.65)
14.Uroborus (angel teddiursa)
15.Zaroco (fusion, houndoom flygon)
16.The Fallen (banner, pg.68)
17.welcomkanna (alot of things, see pg.68)

o_O wow, our shop is popular, i'll hopefully get 5 requests done...:p
RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)

Sorry for noy being active I will help you with requests 10-14 and 15 call all the workers in this shop we need help
RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)

I can help with the trophy but I need to get the trophy stand somewhere so can you give me a link to a trophy stand.
RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)

Chazz9 said:
Fire_Pokemon_Master said:
Ok, I'm back in teh buisness, problem sorted out, Chazz9, here is your chaos:
They are so so cute!!
Oh and where is the code??

no code because I did it as an attachment. All you have to do is save it onto your computer, and upload it to image shack or photobucket etc... if you dont know how, I'll do it for oyu and get you a code.
I have zaracos flygon houndoom requets covered, I'll post it tomorrow.
RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)

Shadow_Master said:
I already r_r banner I edited it.

nothing personal but i really want Bonsly to make it.
RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)

Thanks LM... if my workers don't helpw tih one requets: they'll be fired! I'ms erious, we need help!:p If someone can PM them all that'd be great!
RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)

Request 14 done :F

RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)

bonsly:I could help with the trophie but I need the link to the stand.
RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!)

I did the new 14.




iPod Electivire:


I put a background and made it avatar sized. If you want it changed, just tell me.
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