The End of America?

no offense..but is this like..end of the country/world month or something? First Rikko is going on about us reverting back to pre-industrial era because of war, nuclear holocaust etc..and now you're thinking the country's going to offense but I Did actually watch some of the video..and granted alot of it was interesting and partially insightful..but overall I doubt the doom and gloom portrayed in the video will come to pass anytime soon offense dude..but the republican house has barely tried to do anything except kill abortion or parts of it..and kill gay marriage..propose and minor bills which don't help anything..
off topic: I hate how Abortion and Gay Marriage are political issues.. they're social issues people, not political.

back on topic: the whole "if the G.O.P was in control this would be solved" notion is a load of bull bleeps. Reganomics? ha! all the good things to come financially were things that Jimmy Carter did while in office that took that long to show anything positive. if anything, Regan's policies made the positives take longer to come to light. in his years as president, there was a housing market crash, bank bail out, and car industry bail out. after Carter's presidency, he started Habitat for Humanity.

the banks causing all these problems you say? after the great depression, certain securities exchanges were made ILLEGAL because they were the mail cause of the stock market crash.. guess what? a Republican made them legal again, and a few short years later, it fell down again.

I'm not saying that Democrats are better, since they've done their fair share of harm, I'm just saying that the G.O.P agenda has had a more direct effect on me in a negative way than a democratic agenda has.

the new speaker of the house.. wants to eliminate taxes for the wealthy and get 90% + of the governments revenue off of taxing those making less than 250k. do we hear about that? no. was it on his website before it was found out he was going to be the speaker of the house? yes.

off topic again: Water Pokemon Master.. you may want to look into COICA, a guy was arrested a few days ago for running a site very much like this one. except it wasn't pokemon based. he was arrested and the site seized by ICE simply for having links to Youtube videos with copy-written content.
carlitosbob said:
the banks causing all these problems you say? after the great depression, certain securities exchanges were made ILLEGAL because they were the mail cause of the stock market crash.. guess what? a Republican made them legal again, and a few short years later, it fell down again.

You mean that former U.S. President George W. Bush made it legal again right? During 2004 when he got re-elected into office while we are still fighting in Iraq? Why would Bush make those security exchanges legal when they were the root cause of the Great Depression back in the 1930's? It doesn't make any sense.

I thought Bernie Madoff, Fannie & Freddie, including AIG was behind the Economic Meltdown back in 2008?
exactly.. it doesn't make sense why he would do that. but he did.
as well as why would he mask a bill that made it harder for seniors to get medications on the cheap as a bill that was supposed to make it easier. it doesn't make sense, yet it's there, it happened.
all those people/companies were behind the meltdown in their own right, but what they did was legal *because* legislation had been overturned. not to mention the bail out bush tried to pass at first I think it was what, 2 to 4 pages long? and in it it stated that if he wanted to he could choose to do with the money what he saw fit.. even if he was no longer in office. now WHY would somebody want to do that if there wasn't some personal gain behind it?
First off this doesn't make sense, second President Bush doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would commit treason on his own country just to screw us over especially for the Obama Administration and other future Administrations in the United States.

Judging from a source I read online, Bush estimated in 2001 that there would be a $5.6 trillion surplus over the next ten years which is right about now. He went to Congress to get support for his $1.35 trillion tax cut program despite opposition by them even though former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned of threats of a Recession and look what happened in 2008.

Bush's plan backfired, then comes the blame game between the 2 parties and chaos ensues...
Isn't it kind of obvious that this guy Porter Stansberry is just trying to make a few bucks by scaring people, and how do we know if any of that info is exact and true, and how much of the things that are good and that could easily negate the majority of what he said? I've seen lots of things for-telling the end of America and the end of the world and not a single one of them was true. Why is this guy saying that America is so terrible already when we went through the great depression and still made it through ok? I mean think about it, if you can fly planes into the world trade center and we're still alright, I'm not to worried about some random person thinking that he's the smartest person in the world go ranting and raving that America's going to end. Yeah kinda like how the world was going to end when it became the year 2000 because all of the computers were going to fail at the same time. That never happened. Kind of how this is never going to happen.
I bought a subscription. He basically tells you where to invest. Here, I'll reveal all his secrets for you.

1. Pour as much money as possible into crack cocaine and marijuana.
2. Subscribe to a few dirty magazines.
3. Donate to the Obama reelection campaign.
4. Donate to the Catholic Church.
5. Post bail for tough-looking criminals.

If you follow these simple steps, you will be prepared when the US meets financial ruin.
Card slinger offense, but Bush only did what Karl Rove and Dick Cheney told him to..and since dick cheney is big business (still had $ in Halliburton, which by the way, got all the contracts during Bush), try watching the movies: Fahrenheit 9/11, W, and Bush's Brain..they're very imformative
I don't think this is true.I mean he explains very little on the topics he presents and tells that he will give his reports free and in the end tells the price to subscribe and receive his reports to help you.Why does a guy tells several times during the video that `I want to help you` when he takes a lot of money.And another thing that I wrote in another thread is I think there will be more false theories that are meant to fool people and make them more vulnerable. :p
@ The Spook: Exactly.
And when I began giving this warning in 2006 no one took me very seriously... not at first. Back then, most mainstream commentators just ignored me.
2 things about this.
1. He didn't cite age pages in which he gave the said warning. As far as the normal person would know, he's just pulling this out of his rear.
2. He said 'most'. Which means 'some did not ignore him', which means that it would be somewhere. Somewhere, yet it is not cited.
Come to think of it, nothing is cited on the document. Absolutely nothing. At least, the important stuff. If we can't read his past predictions that are supposed to be there but are clearly not, then how are we supposed to believe anything that his guy says?
mlouden03 said:
Card slinger offense, but Bush only did what Karl Rove and richard Cheney told him to..and since richard cheney is big business (still had $ in Halliburton, which by the way, got all the contracts during Bush), try watching the movies: Fahrenheit 9/11, W, and Bush's Brain..they're very imformative

True however some documentaries that are more relevant to this topic would be The Inside Job and Capitalism: A Love Story.
I've seen the second one, and yeah big business is greedy and uncaring about the people, and bush/cheney (who you seem to agree with) Helped them do so
children, like a few others have said, this here is what we typically call "advertisement through fear". The last few paragraphs basically scream it.
Very good informational video. I'm glad I live in Canada. Although I can see a domino effect to happen with the fall of the US Dollar.
Oh God don't get me started with Domino Effects, it's bad enough as it is in the Middle East especially
in Saudi Arabia where it's illegal by law to protest there.
statutory warning its self define that this is the most controversial page. Is it necessary to comment on these topic?
Scizorliscious said:
Porter Stansberry said:
The best part is, you can take a look at my research, and receive everything I've mentioned here, at absolutely no risk or obligation.

Simply let me know you'd like to take a trial subscription to my monthly newsletter, called Stansberry's Investment Advisory, and I will immediately give you access to:
Research Report #1: The 4 Investment Assets You Do NOT Have to Report to the U.S. Government

Research Report #2: The Gold Investor's Bible

Research Report #3: Secrets of the Silver Market

Research Report #4: The 100% Secret - The Easiest Way to Make Money in a Risky Stock Market

Research Report #5: The World's Most Valuable Asset in a Time of Crises
Also, on the first Friday of each month, I'll send you my monthly newsletter, Stansberry's Investment Advisory. I'll keep you up to date on exactly what's going on regarding this financial crisis, and I'll show you some unusual and incredible ways to make money now and as it begins to unfold.

We have found some great ways to make a fortune as the government continues to try to bail out one failing industry after another.

I'll also keep you up to date on what I am doing to protect myself. I'll make sure you stay abreast of changes to the laws and government interventions.

And... every day the markets are open, I'll send you my paid-subscribers-only e-mail called the Stansberry & Associates Digest.

In short, I report on all the work my firm is doing... the most interesting investment ideas... what we're researching now... and what we expect to happen in the months to come.

So how much does my work cost... and how can you get started?

Well, a one-year subscription, including everything I mentioned here, normally costs $99 per year – that's what many others have paid.

But right now, you can try my research, for HALF-OFF the normal rate. You'll pay just $49.50 for an entire year.

Why so cheap?

Well, to be honest, our business really only works if our subscribers stick with us for the long-term. But we realize you've got to try our work first, to see if it's right for you.

And that's why, through this letter, we're making it so cheap, and essentially risk-free to try. What I mean is, you'll have the next four months to take a look at the Research Reports I've just described, plus the next four issues of my newsletter... and the next four months of my daily Digest reports.

If you decide for any reason my work is not right for you, just let us know and you can receive a full refund... and keep everything you've received so far.

In other words, by taking me up on this offer, you are agreeing only to TRY my work to see if you like it.

I hope you'll consider this offer seriously. I know in my heart it will be one of the best financial moves you ever make.

To get started, simply click on the link below, which will take you to a secure order form. Your order will be processed immediately, and you'll have access to all of my work in a matter of minutes.

Yeah... I'm not sure we can really take this entire thing for fact, just based on these last paragraphs.
While this will likely happen at some point unless we turn ourselves around and really buckle down on the debt, I doubt what this article claims will happen within the next year. But that's just me.

You young folks are about to be hit the hardest of all, when this financial collapse unfolds and for a couple of reasons. I am giving you this information so you can watch for the events yourselves and see them unfold . I am not Porter Stansbury and I am not looking for investors, for a business of any type. Porter missed some really important signs which I will provide for you to watch for and consider.

Porter is correct, the US dollar is overextended and it will experience partial contraction (somewhere around 50% instantly). However since the remainder of currencies are tied to the US dollar, they will experience the same currency failure. This will not lead to a central currency as the global socialists would like (IMF). This will lead to a contraction of countries within their own limits and within their own currency. I May likely lead to the end of FIAT currency and the return to hard currency as the method of exchange for international trade (most likely).

So what are the signs I spoke of? And why are young people so susceptible to the failure?
Young people have been assimilated over the past 4 decades in the United States into a doctrine which only allows truth to be understood, based upon metaphysics and dialectics. This doctrine is the same doctrine upon which Marx & Engels built their system known as Communism. However Communism, like its counterparts Socialism and Progressivism are only methodologies of implementing the doctrine. Poke Mon is a methodology for getting you to accept the doctrine and it includes Darwins use of dialectics at its base. Believe it or not. Your game is actually subverting your mind into the direction that the Marxists want you to go.

The next financial crisis is already underway, it started when the US government and the FED started monetizing our debt (printing money), The government and the FED, used the printing of money and the reduction of interest, to drive investors into the stock market and it worked. The stock market is the only place investors can actually make money right now on their investments, but remember the market is over heated and over stated by about 60 - 70 %. Expect it to fall at least 50% in the next 24 months.

The sign of the beginning of the financial failure was the printing of money and one other overlooked activity. FIAT currency (paper money) obtains its worth from the transactions which take place in its name. Its the same as your character in gaining strength by the battles its won and retains under its belt. But what would happen if your character was to loose 1/2 of its battle strength? Well the US dollar is about to experience the same identical issue. You are watching it unfold in the Middle East. As your current president goes through the Middle East overthrowing existing governments (Egypt, Libya, Syria), the Muslim Brother hood who is supported by Iran (ally to Russia) is going behind them and implementing their people in government positions of control (basically slamming the door in the face of the United Sates). What this means is that eventually the Middle East will be controlled by Iran's Muslim Brotherhood and the oil business will shift away from its current monetary policy, which is to base all transactions on the US dollar. Those transactions with OPEC are worth about 5 -6 trillion dollars per year. Currently we have about 10 trillion US dollars in circulation (you do the math).

The collapse will cause panic and chaos for those who are not prepared and the Communists will attempt to take over the government.

So what can you young people do?
Get your self some actual silver (gold is just too expensive), and find a place to store food and water (you will need both), you will need defense weapons in order to protect your food and water source, and winter clothing. Expect power to intermittent and water as well. Move to the South if possible.
Last, get out of cities. Everyone will be in a tough spot, and they will contract back to their mooring points, which will be their families and their church organizations. Cities, especially big cities, will be the worst places in the United States to exist, because they will retort to gang rule, and fight over what little remains there (food and so forth). The grocery shelves will dry up almost overnight. I would escape those now if at all possible. The US military (what ever is left of it) will spend all of its time trying to control the cities. It will be tough but the United States will not end, it will be in dire straits however, until we get the Marxists out of ruling positions.

How much did I charge you for this information? Nothing
Why? because you have been lied to and deceived. I want you to watch for the sign in the Middle East, when you observe the Middle East contracting and the US 5th fleet leaves Bahrain, you should be in a position where you can stay safely, for at least 6 months to a year. The financial collapse will occur quickly so you will have to be ready for it ... it is going to come and you can not stop the occurrence, but you can put off the effect it will have upon you personally. Your planning, might even save your family. Buying items in bulk such as peanut butter is a great idea, and keep gallons of water in reserve. You will need to barter with the silver and any other possessions you have. The landscape will change quickly and food, water, silver and other items such as medicine will become the most valued possessions one could have on hand to barter with.
#Illuminati. Rofl. But no, I doubt America will collapse soon - no man can predict this, I don't care how good of a banker you are. While it's true (most of) us take more than we give, there won't be a collapse, while our economy is still poor, it's still there. This looks like one of those conspiracy theory topics--I'm not trying to bash/flame anyone here in any way, it just looks like one of those "under the cover, covert, misleading, crazy sounding" theories to me. This quote, this quote I've found contradictory (found in a quote on the first page) "purhases farmland overseas like in Argentina." Is this one of the people who are telling us our economy is dead and the nation of America is dying? Well of COURSE it will die if we go for more overseas business. This looks to me like they're just trying to scare you into giving them your money. Don't fall for this foolishness please. Another thing I found (from: "He mentions buying silver without taking possession of the metal" This already sounds like the current system of us having credit; having money that was never really there. This sounds like a Doomsday Prepper show discussion.