The End of Fullmetal Alchemist.


Member of the Midnight Crew
Well Fullmetal Alchemist fans, the story has finally come to a close after the 108th chapter which was released today. Edward and Alphonse Elric's journey to get their bodies back has finally ended! In another note, it's anime counterpart, FMA:Brotherhood, also ends in the final weeks of June.

Here's the link for those who haven't read it yet:

So guys, what do you think?

This thread is for discussing the ending and Fullmetal Alchemist as a whole.
I guess this proves what happened in the FMA Movie was filler, that Ed and Al didn't get stuck back in the 1940's during World War II. Kind of a shame really, you'd expect the Anime to follow more closely with the Manga and FMA's case just wasn't that exactly like most Shonen series.
^The movie wasn't a filler.
It was an ending to the Normal FMA.
Anyways, I like the manga version of FMA better (I get the CY/Madman version of it).

Edit: Speed typing & lack of sleep don't mix.
I didn't watch the 'orginal' anime (for as far you can call it original, since it differs much with the manga/latter anime), but I did watch the manga based one.

I personally think this is one of the better animes ever created. I'm sad it will be over soon (or is the Anime already over too? Didn't watch last episode yet.) But I think it's time, it was a good story, but it's just finished.
I used to watch quite a bit of the Fullmetal Alchemist anime a while ago, but slowly began to drift from it for some reason or another (not so much boredom or lack of interest, as opposed to just being tired of having to record episodes every Saturday night because Adult Swim had it on so late...). I really liked it for what it was (I never read the manga, so I don't know how much of it was based directly on the comics). I didn't even know about Brotherhood, though, and it's sad that it's over... It was really going for a while, wasn't it?
The ending to FMA: Brotherhood is MUCH better than the "Original" FMA ending. Mind you, the movie was great but this one definitely makes it feel like the story has come to a close.

It's finally over. What a shame.