the endless battle game!!!

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OMG Why did you do that. Oh right because you can. Piplup uses hydro pump on rotom
Piplup used Ice beam on Murkrow and hydro pump on Monferno Thats what you get
Hydro Pump is ineffective!

Thunder on Piplup.Super Effective!

Blizzard is also not effective!

Also I use Confuse ray on Murkrow.

Everyone Faints Because of Perish Song.
but murkrow has a focus band on, use full restore curing confusion, then i use embargo so even if anybody had a focus band it wouldn't work :p
Can no one use Perish song because if you read the rules for the hundreth time you cant faint. Piplup is so mad he uses Hydro pump and Ice beam on everyone.
BUT no-one can faint (unless it leaves the game) so it's cancelled :p now thnx drifloon ;) and Fire blast on murkrow!that's what you et for messing with the rules!!

OH! (just read spm's post) monferno uses a superb-weak overheat so he protects from ice-beam and evades hydro pump
murkrow says sorry... then he evolves using a dusk stone, and uses hyper beam behind piplups back, and then piplup gets even angrier
Thnx ;) we're picking because he is now an evo.

now, errr (no, not drifloon, nor SPM, hm...) *after 3minutes of thinking*monferno!! fire blast on rotom!
Piplup calls out a break dance fight vs. Honhkrow. Get ready to get surved
Gameshark.Use Judgement on Monferno.(also for revenge)Use Shadow Ball and Thunder Fused Togerther on everyone(Exept Piplup and Drifloon).
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