the endless battle game!!!

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riolu hops on to aimpom telling turtwig to ram into piplup while me and aipom jump off and and use focus punch on piplup too
icemaster said:
GameShark!!!! I use Judgement on Everyone Exept Aipom,Drifloon,Piplup and Monferno.
Also this attack cannot be Stoped.I use Every Single Move to all Would Break the RULES!!!
Also They cannot be Stoped too and I use Protect to Protect US!!!!!

You can't use GAme Shark!
20th post only!
riolu then grabs piplups beak and hops into the air and uses seismic toss and then piplups beaks breaks off so it cant use drill peck anymore:p
shows what you know piplup uses drill peck again on riolu. then after the hit piplup goes on his lay-z-buy chair and gets the comics then uses protect s it wont get disubed. then piplup says" If you distub me Ill kill you."
Party over here woot woot. party over there woot woot. Distube us and your dead
the injured riolu comes and uses brick break on the protect comes in and joins saying no hard feelings then uses protect
Brick break dosnt work with protect. Get it strait. Everyone in here gets tea and crumpets
Bagon uses game shark, he turns into missingno and freezes every body by exerting a virus into this game then uses sky attack
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