the endless battle game!!!

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Keyblade as your camander I demand you to stop attackind aipom and star attacking lucario
okay boss. but i did attack lucario and aipom at the same time.

espeon uses psychic on lucario and use him as gun amoe and shot everybody exept SPM and CrazyAipom.
wait aipom. hes with us now. Muhaha. you see hes in team galactic and Im the leader so yah

Probopass uses electro levetate on aipom and espeon and uses E-Quake
i do

espeon used psychic on lucario then brainwashing his mind. then lucario picked up a metal pole and hit him self while aipom laughed in entertainment
Can I play?
Ditto greedily eats Chimchar's marshmellows and makes Chimchar cry and then uses Transform into Espeon and uses the power from the marshmellows to attack Espeon
Fine, but Ditto takes it and then turns into Togepi and makes you love it. No teaming with CA
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