Magnezone has easily been one of the most popular heavy hitters since we rotated to HGSS on. The sheer force of Lost Burn has been a defining influence of our format. However, to say that Magnezone is without his flaws is far from the truth. While you can say that Magnezone has a high retreat and a bad weakness, these are not his issues that have been losing me games. Where I have been having trouble, if the title didn't give it away, is in the energy department, specifically in the late game.
The Deck I'd like to focus on is Magnezone/Eelektrik, partly because this is the deck I am currently trying to master and partly because other Magnezone based decks like Magnezone/Typhlosion and Yanmega/Magnezone feel, to me at least, like they have more versatile secondary attackers so you don't feel the need to start Lost Burning till the midgame. For me, this is not the case with Eelektrik/Magnezone. I feel that if I am not able take prizes early with a secondary attacker, I have no other choice than to start attacking with Magnezone and that by the mid-game The secondary attackers don't seem to be working for me. I only run 2 catcher and 3 junk arm because I feel the list for this deck is very tight so easy prizes do not always exist. Because of all this, I have found myself Burning and or being unable to retrieve all 14 of my energy (12{L} 2 Rescue)
One thing that is important is to address the secondary attackers I have considered.
Thundurus was my first thought. He can get lightning out of the deck as well as get it into the discard. He is relatively fast, being able to hit for 80 on your second turn. The only problem is that if I dont get attacking with him early, I feel that damage output is too little and he isn't worth benching or attacking with.
In this deck, Tornadus is a little slower than his brother. I didn't feel that running DCEs to speed him up would be worth it as they only count for 1 energy for lost burn and cannot be brought back from the discard with Dynamotor. My thinking with Tornadus was more that I would be able to take a hit or two from the likes of Donphan and other fighting pokemon. Even with Tornadus, Decks with Donphan or almost any fighting for that matter feel like a near auto-loss for this deck and I have come to think that maybe he isn't the best fit for the deck.
The third option I have thought of, and the one that I have been too afraid to try is Zekrom. I like the damage output for the middle game, but I feel that having him stuck up there as your lead may be a problem in the early game. Additionally, I feel that once he has used bolt strike he is a fairly frail pokemon. My list feels tight already and I don't see how I could possibly fit in eviolite, even if it does make Zekrom that much better.
So how do I adress this problem. I'd like to post my list. I know that usually a thread with a list would get moved to the deck garage but I am hoping for this thread to have equal amounts of emphasis on both the list as well as the actual strategy involved in conserving energy in this deck. Thank you to all who participate!
Pokemon: 19
4-2-3 Magnezone Prime
3-3 Eelektrik (2/1 split of 40 HP to 30 HP)
2 Thundurus
1 Tornadus
1 Cleffa
Trainers: 27
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Sage's Training
3 N
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Rare Candy
3 Junk Arm
2 Pokemon Catcher
2 Switch
Energy: 14
12 Lightning
2 Rescue