THE FANG - Closed

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RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

Your artwork is very impressive and I could never get even close. Do you think I could get a banner with different artworks of Kingdra (card based or original) in the sea with my username on it? Thanks.
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

Hey IFX can you change my banner to a Red background kind of fiery with a cyclone in the middle having Latias and Latios on the isde and have in the middle Team Cyclone and under that saying * Wrecking through the metagame *

Thank you!

RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

No it must be for a banner
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

Hey IFX this time could you do me an avatar with Togekiss, and a red background, and just generally make it look awsome, but I know you'll have no trouble. Thanks again.
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

could you make me a banner that says Dragonite 21's sprite shop
the pokemon i would like on this are: dragonite, shiny metagross, and tyranitar( shiny metagross in the middle) and a mixture of fire and the colors red and black in the background. could you make parts of the pokemon's bodies comin of the banner(u can choose wich parts).:D
Thank you
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

Hey Fang, would you please render this for me? Thanks in advance <3
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

Gallade-11 said:
Could you please do a animation sprite of gallade? Thank you.

sorry, i retired doing sprites =/
you can check the first post to see what I still do and dont.


Everyone : Updating the front, Please post if i accidently missed you name.
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

Heres to Shiny Shinx :]



RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

Heres to Snowing :]



RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

Heres to Rummage :]



RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

Woo the new site's gonna luv it, ty ^^
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

Could I get Pokabu and Totodile playing together? Maybe with a background of water and fire. That'd be great!
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

sturtle said:
Could I get Pokabu and Totodile playing together? Maybe with a background of water and fire. That'd be great!

sure no prob :]
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

e just want you to know that my shop logo is saying Bandwidth exceeded can you give me the reason and answer on how to stop it in a PM
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

Hey IFX can I have a banner thats has a Hurricane in the background and have Zapdos/Swampert/Crobat/Swellow and Smeargle in it.Thank you tons!

RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

rockinpikachu said:
e just want you to know that my shop logo is saying Bandwidth exceeded can you give me the reason and answer on how to stop it in a PM

sorry. its becuz my bandwidth went over. I guess to many request for animations killed it, theres nothing i can do. youll just have to wait till the first of the month. If you want when it comes on again, id save it to your computer and re upload it to your own image uploader.

Rotom-Cut said:
Hey IFX can I have a banner thats has a Hurricane in the background and have Zapdos/Swampert/Crobat/Swellow and Smeargle in it. I would like the images from and from the pokemon factory! Thank you tons!


sure no prob. you still want the last request too right?
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

Yes please. :D

RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

okey dokey.

Im gonna start doing more request tonight everyone. :]
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

Hey IFX can you render THIS, THIS, and THIS as well.

Thanks in advance. :)
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Titles, Backgrounds, Animations, Trainer Cards, Renders, Edits, and More.

sure but I only do one render per day, unless the list is clear. so it may be a few days.
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