THE FANG - Closed

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RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coins,

Thank you so much for the userbars, I love them.:)
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coins,

Jade Blade - Yur welcome :]

Everyone - ill try to finish more request tomarrow maby, sorry ive been a bit under the wether lately =/
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coins,

yikessssssss.. ok so photobucket account 2 is down >.>
ughh, im gonna have to find out something new to do with this.

this one will be restored on the 14th..

when they become restored please feel free to save the image to your own computer and upload it to your account so bandwidth will not be exceeded
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coins,

InfinityFangX said:
Shaymin Sky Form - Sorry, I cant make anything for banned members, I can make it once you get unbanned if you do.

Shadoworganoid - woo sceptile <3 are you sure you don't want me to put the image in for you because I add lighting and films to it to make it look better, i can find a good image for it if youd like.

Regi - Thanxs and sure no problemo :]
um i am unbaned so have u made my banner yet? cause i am waiting for it very calm
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coins,

ok, ill add it to my list. :]
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coins,

shaymin_sky_form said:
InfinityFangX said:
Shaymin Sky Form - Sorry, I cant make anything for banned members, I can make it once you get unbanned if you do.

Shadoworganoid - woo sceptile <3 are you sure you don't want me to put the image in for you because I add lighting and films to it to make it look better, i can find a good image for it if youd like.

Regi - Thanxs and sure no problemo :]
um i am unbaned so have u made my banner yet? cause i am waiting for it very calm

InfinityFangX said:
ok, ill add it to my list. :]

so u forgot oh man
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coins,

wut? it didnt matter, i dont do request on saturday and sunday, and ive been doing them very slow because ive been a it under the weather lately
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coins,

Holy snap, thanks for the card!
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coins,

Heres to StarCharge :]
don't forget to give credit.



RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coins,

Heres to Seth :]
don't forget to give credit.


RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coins,

Heres to Pineapple :]
Don't forget to give credit.


Heres to Shaymin Sky Form :]
don't forget to give credit.

RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coi

Can you make me an animation of the kirby forms: spark, sword, and fire?
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coins,

Starcharge - yur welcome :]

Pokenerd - sure, did you want any text or anything else in the frames?
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coins,

Can i get one Just like Starcharges? but with Pikachu and Richkids trade thread on it. and Gold/yellow Background instead. Thanks in advance.
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coi

InfinityFangX said:
Starcharge - yur welcome :]

Pokenerd - sure, did you want any text or anything else in the frames?

Yeah, can you put Kirby Pwns somewhere?
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coi


-Alright i'm Changing a few things here.-
if you use the wrong card form,
or if you forget to fill it in,
I will fill in the rest for you with defaults =D
Energy Cost for attack, default is 1 colorless
Retreat Cost, Default is what I think is best.
Resistance, Default is nothing

**Fake Card Form (NOT FOR LV.X'S)**
Name -

Link to picture -

Hp -

Basic, Stage 1, or Stage 2 -

Type -

Level -

Pokepower (optional) -
**Description of Power -

Pokebody (optional) -
**Description of Body -

pokemon # -

Card # out of # (optional) -

Weakness (optional) -

Resistance (optional) -

Retreat cost -

HT in feet -

WT in lbs -

What is your pokemon (ex-Pikachu is the mouse pokemon) -

Attack 1 -
**Description of attack (optional) -
***Energy Cost -

Attack 2 (optional) -
**Description of -
***Energy Cost -

Attack 3 (optional)(only if theres enough room) -
**Description of attack (optional) -
***Energy Cost -

common, uncommon, or rare -

**LeVel.X Card Form**
Name -

Link to picture or I choose -

Hp -

Type -

Pokepower (optional) -
**Description of Power-

Pokebody (optional) -
**Description of Body -

Card # out of # (optional) -

Weakness (optional) -

Resistance (optional) -

Retreat cost -

Attack 1 -
**Description of attack (optional) -
***Energy Cost -

Attack 2 (optional) -
**Description of -
***Energy Cost -

Attack 3 (optional)(only if theres enough room) -
**Description of attack (optional) -
***Energy Cost -

Trainer, Supporter, or Stadium -
Name of Card -
Link to Image -
Description of picture you want that i will make-
Description of what the card does -
Card # out of #
common, uncommon, or rare -

**Special Energy Card**
Name of Card - _______ Energy
Link to Image -
Description of Picture you want that i will make -
Description of what the card does -
Card # out of # -
Any other Descriptions -
common, uncommon, or rare -
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coi

richkid50000 said:
Can i get one Just like Starcharges? but with Pikachu and Richkids trade thread on it. and Gold/yellow Background instead. Thanks in advance.

woah woah woah, i just noticed this request, lol
ill get right on it! =P
RE: THE FANG - Banners, Avatars, Userbars, Fake Cards, Animations, Trainer Cards, Coins, Edits, BGs, Sprites, Etc

Heres to Pokenerd :]
this one came out quite good.



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