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the fastest deck ever! accelgor


Aspiring Trainer
4-4 accelgor (the theme deck one)

4 prof oaks
4 comunicaton
4 N
4 dual ball
4 pokeball
4 prof elms
4 collector
4 junk arm
4 energy search
2 life herb
2 twins

4{C} rescue

point of the deck is to get accelgor out on my 2nd turn and hit for 60. (which i can do consistantly) to KO basic pokemon and stage ones quickly. so basicly set up really fast. then hit for 60. KO basics. this deck works well for me. :D

and btw accelgors 60 damage only cost one energy
I would say add 4 pokemon catcher. You can't let them set up their bench. Maybe add in some plus powers too. Not sure what take out.
^ Agreed, I'd drop 2 life herb and 2 twins as they are both against eachother and this deck's strategy.
I also think this deck needs several switch, because if you have a shelmet down there is three retreat cost in a deck with no SSU, switch, or energy acceleration.
iisnumber12 said:
I also think this deck needs several switch, because if you have a shelmet down there is three retreat cost in a deck with no SSU, switch, or energy acceleration.

i only need one energy for 60. and i allways make shelmet accelgor by my 2nd turn so accelgor has a free retret. i played with switch, and honestly it was just a dead card in my deck. i got rid of life herb and twins. i should cut out the energy search too?
darkpoet said:
i only need one energy for 60. and i allways make shelmet accelgor by my 2nd turn so accelgor has a free retret. i played with switch, and honestly it was just a dead card in my deck. i got rid of life herb and twins. i should cut out the energy search too?

I think that several switch is almost needed in this deck, because if they catcher shelmet, you're in a bad situation. I would also suggest 1 tyrogue, so you mulligan less. THe energy searches can stay if your area is mostly speed decks.
Does communication even help? You have so few pokemon and you need every single one of them.
You should use elm's instead of Communications since your pokemon count is already So low. Then instead of Life Herbs you need to run Max Potions. Those are better with decks that have cheap pokemon attacks.
Sleeping Snorlax said:
You should use elm's instead of Communications since your pokemon count is already So low. Then instead of Life Herbs you need to run Max Potions. Those are better with decks that have cheap pokemon attacks.

I think that victory cup would be better than elm's. NOW YOU CAN RUN 8 POKEBALLS! Truly broken :p.

You can also use dual ball to get a shelmet and then communication it.
^ Can't tell if joking or not. Anyway, have you updated the OP? Also, where are your late game stats?
pokemonjoe said:
^ Can't tell if joking or not. Anyway, have you updated the OP? Also, where are your late game stats?

I meant you can run 4 Victory Cups and 4 Pokeballs. What are updating the OP and late game stats?
you can, but they're both terrible. OP: original post
Late game stats: How well the deck works in late game. An example is sabledonk. It has no late game. google has powerful late game. Those are fairly basic terms.