Welcome to the Fo' Show Shop
I'm back! My old one was locked, due to me not being on in like a year, but I'm back. I'd <3 you if you requested gangstalicious stuff.
Notable things about my work:
- Renders
- Known for my speed
- Featured as one of the workers in the "Example Shop" thread as my specialty being renders

My Rules
- Be patient, I'm in school too!
- Don't be a hatin what I'm spittin out! (Don't talk crap)
- I don't do requests in order! I do them based on my mood, and time allotted
- I will now include my watermark on all pieces it's small so don't whine
My Employees
Name: ElectroManiac
Position: Owner/Worker
Specialties: Renders/Banners
References: Black Rayquaza
Name: Porygon-Z
Position: Assistant
Specialties: Banners
**Looking For More, so apply**
Banner Form
- Color Scheme
- Any pictures or renders to be included *LINK PLEASE!
- Desired Dimensions (Size IN PIXELS) ex. 200x200
- Text
- Desired font
Avatar Form
- Color Scheme
- Any pictures or renders to be included *LINK PLEASE!
- Text?
- Desired font
Render Form
- Link to desired image
- How urgent request is (Like how fast you need it, cause most take a while)
Basic Banners

Block Style

[In order]