I'm not sure what the code cards in the Gaia Volcano and Tidal Storm boxes are for, but I just know I have a lot of them aha
As for my pulls, I did pretty well, at least to me aha. I opened 3 boxes of each set as well as 3 Mega Metagross EX Packs:
Tidal Storm:
Box 1 --
3 EXs - Kyogre EX, Primal Kyogre EX, Sharpedo EX
7 Holos - Huntail, Swampert, Azumarill, Eelektross, Manaphy, Ludicolo, Crawdaunt
Box 2 --
1 SR - Sharpedo EX FA
2 EXs - Kyogre EX, Mega Gardevoir EX
7 Holos - Eelektross, Milotic, Azumarill, Crawdaunt, Swampert, Huntail, Manaphy
Box 3 --
1 SR - Wailord EX FA
2 EXs - Gardevoir EX, Wailord EX
7 Holos - Manaphy, Azumarill, Eelektross, Huntail, Ludicolo, Swampert, Kingdra
Gaia Volcano:
Box 1 --
3 EXs - Trevenant EX, Primal Groudon EX, Aggron EX
7 Holos - Manectric, Excadrill, Medicham, Flygon, Rhyperior, Hippowdon, Sceptile
Box 2 --
1 UR - Switch
2 EXs - Groudon EX, Aggron EX
7 Holos -Rhyperior, Hippowdon, Excadrill, Medicham, Blaziken, Manectric, Sceptile
Box 3 --
1 SR - Teammates FA
2 EXs - Aggron EX, Primal Groudon EX
7 Holos - Aegislash, Manectric, Hippowdon, Medicham, Blaziken, Excadrill, Rhyperior
Mega Metagross EX Packs:
Pack 1 --
1 Holo - Eelektross
Pack 2 --
1 SR - Maxie FA
1 EX - Primal Groudon EX
2 Holos - Ludicolo, Blaziken
Pack 3 --
4 Holos - Milotic, Manaphy, Sceptile, Blaziken
With all that, I'm only two cards short of the 70/70 set for Gaia Volcano (missing Camerupt EX and Mega Aggron EX), and on the plus side, I've got the 70/70 set of Tidal Storm all completed!