Ruling The Fossils



are they still treeted as Basic pokemon when they're in your deck? or only when they're on the feild?
or with pokemon that bring out basics right, such as Pachirisu
Exactly, but you can set them up as a basic during set up, actually it's mandatory if it's the only "basic" in your hand.
MultiLuxray- Yep. 2 PokeDrawer +s. Other than that, you can search them with Girafarig, Farfetch'd, Budew, Jirachi, Furret and Relicanth through attacks.

Also, its good to remember that they do not count as a basic when you're handing in a decklist, so your deck must contain at least 1 actual basic Pokemon.
So, if my hand during the setup have, for example, 3 energies, 3 trainers and a Armor Fossil, I could play it normally as if it is a Basic pokémon??
Yes, you can. During setup, they are counted as Basic Pokemon.

Oddly enough, they are NOT counted as such during your first turn. If you start the game and its your first turn, you may not play a fossil in this turn.