The Give-Back-To-The-Beach Thread

The Yoshi

The title is a little weird. I know. In this thread, you'll be able to express your thanks to people on this site that have helped you out. This isn't a favorites thread or anything, but it's just a place to say "Thanks" to 1-3 people that have made your experience on this site much easier.

I'll post my thank yous later, after this thread is either locked or is recognized as a nice thread, not a thread to express hate.

Someone can start. :) (I predict WPM in every post)
Well i guess I'll start.

Dragonexpert: You have been very helpful. You have taught me competitive battling. Thanks!

WPM: You have made a great site with a great atmosphere for many people to hang out on. Thanks!

Thanks to all mods who have kept the forums free of spam and kept it clean.
WPM: Thanks for making this awesome site!
Gliscor: I used to just visit the news part of the site, but at league you and my brother were talking about PB, and then you asked me if I had an account, and I said no but made one later.

This is TBC... I just have to get off the computer.
Obviously WPM... thank you so much for the site. It wouldn't be the same without you (naturally).

CMP... your fakes are insane. You've made my experience on this site so much better; yours is by far my favorite thread to visit on the site.

DNA... you're probably the most logical and knowledgable member of this site. Your posts have always helped me with understanding the TCG. Without you, I'd probably still be playing my "water deck" from years ago.

And of course, our super duper mod squad. Thanks a ton for keeping this forum awesome.
WPM, for creating this great site and keeping it alive and updated with the most recent news and scans.

Snivylover555, for giving me my first Spoink ever.

Shinx107, for offering to help with my now-closed shop and helping me there even though I had like 30 posts.
WPM: Thanks for making my favorite site on the interwebz!
DNA: Thanks for all the times you've answered my questions about card effects and stuff like that!
All people who have helped my with decks: You all have helped me become a better, more experianced player who instead of building decks with good cards that have no synergy, to become a player that builds top-tier metagame game decks.
I see that this was unlocked on request. :D

First thanks obviously goes to WPM for creating the most welcoming, easily useable and informative site.
None of us would be on here without you!

Next thanks is to the Super Moderators, who have been helpful and friendly in my time. I'm actually glad that you locked my original threads, because it was a lesson on what not to make, and my days as a n00b are long gone.
Of course, that includes thanks to dragonexpert for managing the site and fixing problems, as well as dmaster for his amazing sense of humour that becomes apparent on the chatroom.

Thank you to the Moderators who keep the site running smoothly and are all easily approachable.

Thank you to everyone on my buddy list for being great to me and giving me something to look forward to when I come online.

Thank you everyone that posts regularly in the Game Corner and TCG areas for providing fresh ideas and generally having fun.

Specific thanks to Team Rogue members for helping me out.

Specific thanks to BrOkenICE as well for being a great role-player: every PM I've had from you has been great!

If you've not been mentioned and you know me, I'd like to thank you too for being here!

Thanks everyone!
