how about this My Rayquaza C non lv X Their Wash Rotom
My friends Dragonite FB and Skarmory FB
Their Raichu and Gliscor Lv X
My friends Dragonite FB and Skarmory FB
Their Raichu and Gliscor Lv X
EspeonROX said:My: $1.
Their: Claydol GE.
I win.
Juliacoolo said:My: Empoleon X promo
Their: 3 Flygon RR, 1 flygon X.
I told him I'd do it for just one flygon, but said he he didn't want to rip me off, so they added the 2 flygon and the X. It's funny when noobs think they're being smart when they aren't.
Meaty said:Actually I made the "I got ripped off" trade right after this one...But Roseanne's worth 1$? Try 5 dollars.
coleman013 said:At the HGSS pre-release I traded 2 Garchomp C Lv.Xs, 3 claydol (from the leagues) and 6 Uxies (from the leagues) I had bunch of extras from leagues FOR the other guy's Infernape 4 Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X, Charizard reprint from Stormfront and Moltres reprint from Supreme Victors.
Was this a good trade?
Vulpix Yolk said:I personally would never do that, I guess maybe if the Garchomps where promo...