The "I pulled something bad" Thread

No, Lv. X come in about one in every 16 packs. You'd be lucky to get a Lv. X every time you got 2 packs.
2 Platinum packs:
2 giratina that u get from the starter and the reverse holos were piplup and chimchar. Woot what a pull LOL
2 Packs PT. One Ninetails and other Blissey. RH Commons in both. :F

dmaster out.
I can't help but chuckle at that, since the two Platinum packs I got last week also had Golduck and Gyarados G as their Rares.

I can't help but get the feeling that all they need is a bit of assistance from something that I could make a pretty fun deck out of them. Probably not fast enough for a tournament, but I don't go to tournaments to win.
Gyrados G could use his second attack in 2 turns if you can get an Energy Gain onto him on one of those turns. But he's more time sensitive than most cards.
Muddy68 said:
Since there is a "I pulled something cool" Thread, why shouldn't there be a I pulled something bad thread.
I just wanted to say that if you get bad cards, you aren't alone. Many other members also pull bad cards.
I once got a Legend Makers booster pack and got a Grimer and the same card reverse holo. Lets here about those bad pulls!

In a GE pack I pulled cacnea and cacnea reverse holo
Oh yeah, that reminds me.

In the Great Encounters pre-release, I got 6 packs at the beginning, 2 packs for sticking it out into the end, 18 packs for getting 1st place in the Masters division, and the person I came with gave me her 8 packs. That makes 34 packs total, and there were no Lv. X cards in any of them. Does anyone know what the odds are in Great Encounters, or at least if it's normal?

Regarding Gyarados G, it's the Pokémon-SP with the highest HP right I have...I'd bet it'd be mighty annoying with a lot of Poké Turns at hand.

Also, I ALWAYS stare for a long time at the Rare I get to see if I can make use of it in some rogue deck, even more so if it's the second or third one I get.

Speaking of which, I've yet to get Skuntank G from a Platinum pack, even though it's a Common. There you have it, a really strong Common card and I'm their repellent. I like Skuntanks. I like skunks. (My avatar is of a skunk.) Instead, I'm getting the Common Carnivines up the wazoo...
Well, I got my first Platnium pack...geuss what?
Someone's tampered with it, I didn't notice it and it was the last one at the shop, but...
9 Commons and 1 Uncommon, No Reverse Holo and No Rare.
At least it came with 2 Skunktank G's, I wanted at least 1 SP card...but not 2 common ones the exact same.
I'll never buy a set of cards without looking carefully ever again.
I once bought 72 packs of Legend Maker, (they were on sale at Walgreens) and I didn't even pull an EX or a Lunatone. All I pulled was Gengar's and Golem's...
I just got a pack of Platinum after getting my braces off.
Rare: Lickilicky
RH: Grimer
TERRIBLE. Oh well, at least I got a Mightyena, Lucario, and Honchkrow G.
After my fourth place finish at GA, I got the following rares:
Lucario, Bastiodon, RH Ludicolo, and some other junk.
I got 6 packs today. 4 Platinum, 1 MT, 1 SF.

Only thing of use I got was a T-tar from SF...
Other rares included Weavile G, 2x Ninetails PL, and... Sudowoodo.

On the plsu side, I got a Shaymin X tin. So I'm a step closer to my Skymin rogue. Heh.