The "I pulled something trashy" topic

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I just got 5 packs of LA last night, and three of the rares were Groudon. Not a single holographic rare either. Bad beats, I guess.
Water Rayquaza said:
OK.So I buy 2 packs of MD,this is what I get.

Like 4 Chimchars.
3 Monfernos.
Unown P.
And Dawn Stadium.


You serious? Aerodactyl is awesome!

Also, pulling a Mawile as a rare in a GE booster = epic fail.
UF pack. Rev Quilava, reg Quilava. then my friends open a pack each with none other than a Mew star in one and something good in the other
I did a Modified side event and it was the final match. I had a better record than my opponent, which obviously didn't matter since I already beat him once in round 2 and he had a 1-2 record compared to my 3-0 record...

So I win...Obviously. Secret Wonder packs were the prizes...Sucky, I know. The best card I pulled was a Gardevoir...Out of 3 packs, Gardevoir...My opponent, in his 2 packs...Guess what he pulled...Honchkrow LV X. Exactly what I needed for my set.

I also bought a box of MD after the pre-release...I got Porygon-Z LV X and a whole bunch of cruddy cards...Nothing I could really use for a deck.
BatYoukaiRusty said:
I just got 5 packs of LA last night, and three of the rares were Groudon. Not a single holographic rare either. Bad beats, I guess.

I dunno, at least you're 3/4ths of the way to Groudonk! It's not that bad. 3 Kyogres would have been worse.

I bought 2 boxes of LA, and pulled no Azelf, the one card I needed to finish my deck.
Also, about 15 horsea, 7 seadra and 0 kingdra. That was fun.
^ Wow, that really stinks....but, with 47 rares, you will certainly have to be left out several.

Anyway, it seems that when I buy GE boosters, half the time my rare is Mawile. :/
You do not know how lucky you are....I have like 4 now....:/

When I opened a GE pack not too long ago, I didn't pull Mawile, but something almost as bad. Butterfree. And my sixth or so Moonlight. Hoping for my first ever Candy. (Though I have traded for two.)
Speaking of candy, I never got that one either; I always had to trade for it :(/

Butterfree? Plz, I've got 6.
I got a Power Keepers box a while back, and it seemed like EVERY OTHER PACK was a darn Holo Energy. I hated that set for that.
Ouch! I think I only have 1, maybe 2...I got kicked by it in the Draft of GE. :/ Two heads, and the rest was history.

Anyway, I'm starting to run out of stories that I can remember....oh no.

Ow, Myles! I hardly bought any packs of that set, but 1 of my maybe 5 packs has a holo energy...but I liked it, though. I also pulled Darkness Energy as a rare once. I'm glad they're uncommon now.

OK, so he buys 1 MT pack, and his rare is that Magmortar...
another person buys one RIGHT AFTER HIM, and pulls the mag... LV. X!!!

the next tourny, he buys 2 MT packs, and pulls junk (you don't wanna know)
the person who buys a pack, literally 3 secs. after him gets an Electivire Lv. X!!

my point...

If he had waited 3 seconds, those 2 lv .X's would've been his :(
At the beggining of GE I did the Prerelease and the Draft and won both, the only LV.X that I got was a Dialga. Now I go home wait a couple of weeks and gets 10 or so more packs. Not a single Lv.X but about 5 unown H. Now I was done with the set and I traded for what I needed. Come regionals I came in second and got a box of GE. The only Lv.X was Dialga. I got over 2 boxes worth of GE and two Dialgas were my only lv X. (On the upside in the box I got after regionals I got 3 Claydol)
Ariadosguy said:
Water Rayquaza said:
OK.So I buy 2 packs of MD,this is what I get.

Like 4 Chimchars.
3 Monfernos.
Unown P.
And Dawn Stadium.


You serious? Aerodactyl is awesome!

Also, pulling a Mawile as a rare in a GE booster = epic fail.
I had noooooooooo use for it...and I pulled just a Mawile as my rare too.:O

Anyways,my sister goes and buys a pack of LA and gets a RH Regice and a Mesprit.I buy the pack right behind it,I get a RH Heatran and a Froslass...LOL That was so awesome.
Some might be happy with this but I was not. First LvX from LA I got was Rhyperior X one I really wanted anyway then my 3 booster boxes got here. I got Rhyperior X, Mespirit X, Rhyperior X, Gliscor X, Rhyperior X yet again and then another Gliscor X.
Yesterday I got another 10 packs and guess what I pulled another Mespirit X.

I want a Mewtwo X/Zone X/Azelf X or Uxie X but noo I get doubles of those 3 over and over ><.
All my friends have Zone and Azelf too.
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