The Internet Kill Switch

superfoof said:
Wow whoever even thinks of this is insane no internet would cause mass chaos in so many ways, I guess this is another big red button for the president. (If this somehow ever happens OFF TO CANADA LOL)


On topic, i personally think this is actually a good idea as a canadian... Americans are fat and maybe shutting down the internet for a couple of days/weeks/months/years would do the world some good! Go out there and work out!

Im just fooling ;)
I hate to admit this, but being online and talking to friends via Skype is pretty much my life. I run a Pokemon league on Sunday also and go to premier events and that is basically it besides my real job. While I do some programming, what good would it do if I can't distribute programs to who I need to?

I don't believe any one person should have the power to just completely shut down the internet. There are plenty of antivirus and antispyware programs available. Only visit websites you trust and there shouldn't really be any problems.
Zenith said:
We invented the Internet, we'll do what we like with it, thankyouverymuch.
Thats the dumbest crap ive ever heard. How would you like for mexico to take away tacos!!! >_<
They can if they want to. But why would they want to stop selling their biggest cash-crop here?

jk if that was offensive it really wasn't meant to be. I did not bring up Mexicans in the first place. Don't kill me. ._.

dmaster out.
To me it depends...does shutting down the internet involve sutting down texting too?
ehh either way. I have friends and Im into sports so it wouldnt really be a big deal to me.
Maybe us as Americans can begin to lose weight. In case you dont know, America is one of the fatest country in the world.
Remember that it is a person's choice on what they eat. There are plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables available in grocery stores. Come to think of it stores use internet also. Systems that track how much of a particulary product is on hand and how much has sold and information about how many other stores have utilizes the internet to communicate all the data. Think of not being able to check out at a store because of not having internet. It would be really bad.
I think if there was something brutally catastrophic happening via internet signals that would corrupt precious US files or something, yes I believe the internet should be nationally "turned off" but otherwise it could be tempting to turn it off whenever lol. So basically, I think it should be there if necessary but I don't really particularity like the idea... ah well. :p
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! :0 DONT BE TRUE DONT BE TRUE!!!!! This is what I'll be like. Well if this does happen, I guess i can still sprite and make userbars.....UNTIL THEY SHUT THAT DOWN.....
Skylands said:
I don't see the point in it. Why is this needed so much? If there's a virus circulating on the web, just make sure no one gets infected (put the infected systems in some sort of quarantine). Also, giving people more information on the kind of webpages/emails they should or shouldn't open would help out alot too. Viruses only spread because of those fools.

lmao You obviously don't realize what terrorist cyber attacks can do.

Lenny said:
I think you're a bit overreacting. This is only if there is some SERIOUS cyber attack on the internet. They do shut it down so they can fix the problem, wouldn't that be a good thing? My goodness, who cares if you couldn't get your cards for ONE DAY. Aren't you happy your Internet and computer will still be functional?

And just because they have this power doesn't mean they're going to shut it down whenever there is a minor crisis. When they say "shut down the internet", they don't mean permanently. It'll be online when the problem is over. I'd rather be safe without internet than unsafe with Internet and when theres some sort of virus that could steal my personal information. :/

You are one of the last people on this site with some common sense.

If this "red button of distruction" was to be used, it would be ONLY used for an insanely "infectious" virus allowing the attackers to view let's say, everyone's credit card information stored on the internet. What's worse, having no internet for a specific amount of time or having literally 90% of the world's banking in terrorist hands? I'll leave you guys to figure that out.
If this is true think of how many jobs couldn't be done. I could hear my older brother now. "WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON HERE!!" "THE ******* PRESIDENT SHUT DOWN THE INTERNET!!" "NOW I CAN'T ******* WORK!!" "******* CHRIST!!!"

Yeah, he likes swear a lot. That's also probably how all of America will be like too. Now, back to my point. A lot of Americans would be out of jobs, it would kill SO many businesses, and I wouldn't be able to play SSBB online.

I'm pretty sure if that happened to there would probably be some people committing suicide, others killing other people, and some people would turn to lethal/illegal drugs, while therapists would be billionaires. All of my friends would lose it as well. I'm not saying I wouldn't lose I mean no internet = no youtube, no youtube = angry LOL.

Haha! It looks funny with angry and LOL being right next to each other. Same goes with me, and no SSBB online.
It would still cost millions. Companies would go bankrupt, people will get fired, the economy would suffer a major blow... All in all, its a stupid idea. But, I looked into it. A United States president could only shut down the internet in the United States. So no worries for the rest of the world!
Everyone keeps talking about how catastrophic shutting down the Internet for a couple hours would be without providing any real proof. It's like people understand economics less than I do, which is an accomplishment.
^ XD Its you, me(Im on your side but this is my first post), forte, PMJ, and dmaster against people who live off the internet.

And to skylands: Have you had a virus before? One that shuts down basically the strongest antivirus protector and makes it so that you can't use it, it works by itself? One that makes Windows Explorer crash everytime you try to open it? If you get one of those, come talk to me and see how easy it is then.

I don't see the big problem with it. It's only the internet, and it may just be a week at the most. I'm sure Obama thought this out, and has a bill on his destk waiting to be signed along with this one letting people who work through the Internet keep their jobs. Maybe he doesn't. But seriously, give him a break.
ShayminSky said:
^ XD Its you, me(Im on your side but this is my first post), forte, PMJ, and dmaster against people who live off the internet.

And to skylands: Have you had a virus before? One that shuts down basically the strongest antivirus protector and makes it so that you can't use it, it works by itself? One that makes Windows Explorer crash everytime you try to open it? If you get one of those, come talk to me and see how easy it is then.

I don't see the big problem with it. It's only the internet, and it may just be a week at the most. I'm sure Obama thought this out, and has a bill on his destk waiting to be signed along with this one letting people who work through the Internet keep their jobs. Maybe he doesn't. But seriously, give him a break.

Yeah there is a group of us fighting against everyone else. I'm always on the computer and the internet, but there have been attacks against government sites before. This would be to stop something like that, which I think is a little more important then your latest facebook status.
They can't shut the internet down. They can make cut off conection for part of the USA. But the Internet is world wide, you can't make every one else cut off there conection, what are going to do? Go to war with every country in the world? Good luck with that. Besides it would be against our rights. It would in a sense cut out the freedom of the press, freedom of speach and freedom of pettion. What it probly says is that they can shut down part of the internet conection of a small part. Personly I think it's fake. This kind of thing is already in the proceaders of anything that might be a of great impotence AKA: The Pentgon, ect.

EDIT: Also it would take sevral days, maybe months to fully fix the probllem if it is that bad. Even then you would't be sure untill you tured it back on.

To all of you over reacting haters[not every one over reacting is a hatter] out there: you just got pwnd by a 12 year old :p[jk]
@commoncandy: I totally agree. :D

Seriously people, think about it. This is America we're talking about. It's been the strongest & wealthiest nation in the world for the past 50 years (not trying to offend anyone here). I think we're smart enough to know how to control a temporary internet shutdown. It would probably only extend to major government facilities like Area 51, the Pentagon, the White House, etc. They probably wouldn't care if the virus hacks our credit card accounts as long as the government's safe:p.

LOL, I put Area 51 first (it's definitely more important).