BW/BW2 The Isshu Region Speculation Thread (now with new larger map!)

RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

SinRaven said:
More like this:



Hehheh, looks like I mixed Entrance Victory Road and Pokemon League. Will edit quickly.

And there's even MORE of the map I have not seen! Sheesh... Well yeah, THAT looks like it could be the league, and it deffinately looks like it could be Victory ROad.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

^That kinda seems like the Pokemon League, but theres also another Mountain on the other side of the Isshu Region. Though we need a larger view of the map of clearer images to make out some of the areas.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

One theory I have about that "mansion" as the thread creator put it is that it's either A) The Professor's lab or B) it's the home of the player.

I think that the first option has a bigger chance than the latter. I just put that last one there since it's close to the bridge by Hiun.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

tyking16: Look at the CoroCoro-map and you can see where the lab and starter town more likely is.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

Majora_787 said:
Some think it's the pokemon league. But how would Victory road work?

You could walk into the tornado and it sends you flying all the way to the pokemon league!
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

swimfastray said:
You could walk into the tornado and it sends you flying all the way to the pokemon league!

That is, if you don't land on one of the many mountains and get splattered.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

Did anyone consider this being the pokemon league?:

Bridges, high up, and caves, and a building on the hill. Im sure this is it.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

Full Moon said:
Did anyone consider this being the pokemon league?:

Bridges, high up, and caves, and a building on the hill. Im sure this is it.

It just screams ruins to me. That is a good possibility though.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

Where are the railroad tracks located on the map (from the screen of the female playable character)? And where are all the gyyyms..
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

darksun said:
Where are the railroad tracks located on the map (from the screen of the female playable character)? And where are all the gyyyms..

They aren't here since the map is most likely just a cropped version.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

I just don't know how I am supposed to adjust to this no cities thing. This map looks like something from Super Mario World.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

I wonder what the starter town is called, heh.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

rockinpikachu said:
I have put this map together to show what i think of the Isshu region.

I think the whole Region is based off of New York City which makes it awesome.
Now i will list the colors to show what i think of the region.

Blue: Possibly a Central Park area in Hiun City.
Neon Green: The random Desert behind Hiun City is probably the place to catch Meguroko and Hippopotos and Hippowdon and a Ground Gym.
Brown: A Tornado inside of the shape of a Pokeball ???
Light Purple: The thing interesting about Ishhu is how many bridges there are and as you can see GF got detailed with some of them.
Dark Green: The Sky Arrow Bridge to me seems like the brooklyn Bridge in New York city. Notice how it curves at the end.
Purple: Looks like some islands (don't ask me why i pointed that out XD)
Hot Pink: Seems like a Mansion of some sort.
Red: Paralell ice Mountains ( now im just running out of ideas XD)
Blue: Either unknown or unaccsesible area.
Cream: Two Windmills or 2 statues of Pokemon.
Black: Three Mountains possinly representing the 3 icon pokemon?
Light Blue: One of the City's seen lasr month.

I know there is some that i haven't mentioned like the 2 castles, theme park and more but thats when you come in!
Just post a comment on what u think of the region such as where it is based off of, town Names, and more!

Please Note that this is not the full map of Isshu as The corocoro page revealed more of the region such as I saw the starting town in the bottom left hand corner.

Pleez leave a comment!

Edit 1: It seems like i have noticed that the pokemon league looks like it is above and to the left of the cream square. But then where is Victory Road? Maybe as Rumours had said there may be a Victory Forest as it seems on the map.

Edit 2: One guy that posted has said that Victory road could be at the top,middle, and a little to the right

To me the building on the big mountain-ish area in the upper right corner looks like the Pokemon League, and the mounds below the building could be Victory Road but then there appears to be multiple entrances into the mounds. Which could be like a puzzle of some sort in which you have to figure out which entrance is the right way to get to the League, and maybe if you take the wrong door you come out another entrance and have to start all over but thats just my opinion!

darksun said:
Where are the railroad tracks located on the map (from the screen of the female playable character)? And where are all the gyyyms..

well i think the 1st gym is maybe near your hometown on that huge landmass where that mansion is another gym could be hidden in hiun city as maybe a steel type gym then a ground type gym in the desert somewhere the 4th gym could be in the carnival looking area above the desert i suppose the tornado-ish building in the center could be a gym if you look beside the red bridge at the lighthouse look beside that and theses a small building that could be a gym then above the small brown mountain it appears that a builing is there that could be a flying type gym i suppose and then the final gym could be the castle looking building above the pokeball shaped area and then the pokemon league is in the upper right corner
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

Here's my idea:

See those two icy mountains that are on opposite sides of the map that we can see so far? Those are the only ice mountains in sight.

On that strip of land between those two mountains and the two rivers is an "island" surrounded by water. The center thing on it makes me believe it is a shrine of some sort.

And then there are the bridges that connect the two icy mountains and shoot right through the middle of that "shrine".

My thought is that rehsiram and zekrom are in either cave, and that the"shrine" in the middle has something to do with the 3rd legendary that will complement them.

As for the raised ground in the upper right corner, I doubt that is the Pokemon League for several reasons. First, there are so many holes there, which are most likely the entrances to ruins or caves. Victory Road always has one entrance, and even if they were mixing it up this generation, those many entrances are waay too excessive.

Second, we didn't even notice it in the first pic from corocoro because it was obstructed by clouds. GF wouldn't do that on purpose; to hide something that important and suddenly have it shown in the clearer pic. That'd be like showing Isshu with a huge cloud in the bottom middle, then in the next pic revealing it to be Hiun City. Now, if we had no prior knowledge of Hiun, as we are right now with the Pokemon League, we'd all just be like, "Woh! What's up with that massive city that we've never seen before?!"

And then GF would have to explain it or hear the world whine for a month or more.

In previous region pic leaks, we have never, and I mean never, gotten the whole region at once. We've always only gotten a small chunk of it. And may I remind everyone that the first pic we got of Sinnoh did not have the League in it, let alone the rest of that massive landmass which was so obscured from our perspective.

So yeah. I really hope they show us the whole map next month.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

Fire_Master said:
Here's my idea:

See those two icy mountains that are on opposite sides of the map that we can see so far? Those are the only ice mountains in sight.

On that strip of land between those two mountains and the two rivers is an "island" surrounded by water. The center thing on it makes me believe it is a shrine of some sort.

And then there are the bridges that connect the two icy mountains and shoot right through the middle of that "shrine".

My thought is that rehsiram and zekrom are in either cave, and that the"shrine" in the middle has something to do with the 3rd legendary that will complement them.

As for the raised ground in the upper right corner, I doubt that is the Pokemon League for several reasons. First, there are so many holes there, which are most likely the entrances to ruins or caves. Victory Road always has one entrance, and even if they were mixing it up this generation, those many entrances are waay too excessive.

Second, we didn't even notice it in the first pic from corocoro because it was obstructed by clouds. GF wouldn't do that on purpose; to hide something that important and suddenly have it shown in the clearer pic. That'd be like showing Isshu with a huge cloud in the bottom middle, then in the next pic revealing it to be Hiun City. Now, if we had no prior knowledge of Hiun, as we are right now with the Pokemon League, we'd all just be like, "Woh! What's up with that massive city that we've never seen before?!"

And then GF would have to explain it or hear the world whine for a month or more.

In previous region pic leaks, we have never, and I mean never, gotten the whole region at once. We've always only gotten a small chunk of it. And may I remind everyone that the first pic we got of Sinnoh did not have the League in it, let alone the rest of that massive landmass which was so obscured from our perspective.

So yeah. I really hope they show us the whole map next month.