The King of Post Rotation – Charizard / Pidgeot


Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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Rotation is right around the corner, so it’s time to start talking about decks for the next format. We are going to start things off with a banger. Charizard ex / Pidgeot ex is the best deck in the format and it stomps just about everything. I’ve been testing this deck for awhile, and it is an absolute monster. The deck works similarly as it did pre-rotation, and the list maintains the same structure. There are very few things in the format that can actually deal with Charizard. Path to the Peak rotates out, and there aren’t any good Grass-type Pokemon attackers.

Lots of people are hyping the...

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Iron Crown means that a Pidgeot is within Amp range and becomes a 3 prizer. Until the meta has settled I would be weary of using Pidgeot. It is the better build in most scenarios, but a super liability as well.

Bib can still be amped normally but the prize race isn’t as painful as a single mon being 3 prizes
Thanks for the article and matchup rundown, Grant. Do you have similar advice for CPAO, ArcTina, etc.? Expecting to see those a lot.