The Kirbymon Challange!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP ) WE ARE UP TO 81!!

RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP )

good!! Ketchup and Mustard!!
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP )


Here is my Ghastly, I know you already had a Ghastly, but I like this one because of it's pose.
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP )

I changed it. is it ok now?
anyway i have updated a little
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP )

Great!! i will update when we get there
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP )


Typhlosion Kirbymon!
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP )


This one was SO easy, but people think its hard. Bastidon + Kirby!
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP )

good! i will update when we get that far.
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP )


here is a Happiny one.
You can't get the image on elite2000, so I looked on google.
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP )

good!! i will update when we get there! :D
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP )

okay, so I'm bored.

What comes after Wigglytuff?
I can make the next Kirbymon...
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP )

update!! just a couple
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP )

what comes after Golbat?

I'll do one if you like...
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP )

that is how the next one go
044 Gloom
045 Vileplume
046 Paras
047 Parasect
048 Venonat
049 Venomoth
050 Diglett
051 Dugtrio
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP )

great, but... you need to recolor the feet of kirby... look at the one one the first page that INFERNAPE posted.
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP )

wow those are good! i will update!