The last airbender...

Yeah, maybe the first part of the movie was in 3D (read like 30 minutes) and then the rest wasn't. I think Shyamalan didn't put all of it in.

dmaster out.
Riskbreakers said:
Let's look at the list of great cartoons/games that Hollywood has ruined.
-Street Fighter

Kindly add to the list. <_<

Bleach is next (cries in corner for days)
NO!!!! Not Bleach! the Avatar show was awesome and they ruined it with the movie...:( sad face...
Thanks for saving me $8.00, however this lets me down I really wanted to see it.. well, I guess i'll go see inception now. :]
Yeah well... it's a bit less than desired. The best parts in 3D were the previews. The bending and everything was good but it needed a bit more action packed battles and definitely more 3D action. 5/10
This movie was terrible. The 3D sucked. There wasn't really any at all. I actually fell asleep in the middle of it. Although I did think that the end of the movie was kinda cool. It was the only decent fight scene in the entire thing...
Okay, I'm not going to say that I'm going to look forward to the other movies...

Things that went wrong:
-Charater looks(why are fire nation arabic? Does that have some secret meaning against Iraq???)
-The awesome parts in the series(aangs awesome fish-avatar state? Uea's awesome moon spirit scene???)

Besides that, the series was kind of annoying. All the humor was stolen...
ok the pronunciations of the names is because it was an asian director he decided to stick with some of the asian names.
I was mad when the TV show ended on book 3. This movie made me throw up. Such a disappointment, what were they thinking? This stuff leaves most people with bad thoughts, rather than good about Avatar.
^ your right, I left with a bad taste in my mouth. When it comes to the series, they could have probably done a whole new season with Zuko trying to find his mother, then an epilouge with them all as adults.
True, they could have done a lot better with the first book, but I think you're all critiquing this very harshly. Of course they didn't stay true to most of the stuff in the show. Almost any movie based off of a TV show or book (unless its some sort of TV show that makes a movie with the exact same people), there will be some changes.

All of you are pointing out the bad stuff but where are your thoughts about the awesome fighting? The great special effects?

It's very hard to put 20 25 min. episodes into a movie. They had to sum up the important parts.

Now I'm not saying this movie was all good, because the pronunciation of the names did annoy me. I also didn't like that there was pretty much no humor, except the beginning (which didn't even make me laugh). Only a couple kids in the theater laughed.

All in all, I don't think it deserves the horrible ratings, but it wasn't too great either. From a scale of 1-10, I'd give it a 6.5-7.
does any1 know where i can watch the last airbender 4 free online

Create a new topic if you want people to answer the question. This is a thread to discuss the movie.

dmaster out.
The bad:
-Wrong pronunciations
-The Firebenders needed fire around them to bend
-Ozai not hidden anyone?
-No humor
-Aang didn't go into the Avatar state at the North Pole
-No Kyoshi, Roku, or Omashu
-Bad 3D
-Aren't the Firebenders supposed to have Pigtails?
-Zuko's scar was just a small mark
-Things were out of order
-The benders needed to do some crazy dance moves just to bend

The good:
-Great Special Effects
-Good if you didn't see the cartoon version

I think Shaymalan didn't watch the series, just read it online.
Lenny said:
True, they could have done a lot better with the first book, but I think you're all critiquing this very harshly. Of course they didn't stay true to most of the stuff in the show. Almost any movie based off of a TV show or book (unless its some sort of TV show that makes a movie with the exact same people), there will be some changes.

Actually, while it seems most of the criticism here is obviously the TV Show to Movie differences that made the movie bad, the movie in general was just plain horrible as well. The characters were terrible (not to mention mostly all white _-_) and the actors were even worse with their dialogue given. So while yes, the movie couldn't do EVERYTHING to please the fans of the TV Show, they could have made a much better movie than what they did. This is mainly my criticism.

dmaster out.
What was bad is that they pretty much crammed the 1st Season of the Nickelodeon series into one movie being The Last Airbender. Had the movie had stayed true to the cartoon in every detail without screwing up the storyline and plot it would've been much better.

Knowing that my sister and my stepdad have seen the series on the Nicktoons channel I was really interested in seeing this movie but after hearing major disappointments with it not staying true to the cartoon series it was a major letdown.
That movie was so bad i mean look at Zuko .Argh they destroyed the ol' series i actually liked them
Mimebread said:
I didn't go see this because I knew it would be a letdown. Lets hope that when the series comes back its fan base won't be affected by the terrible movie.

The creators said there would not be a fourth season.

There are rumors about a spin-off, however.