Finished The Longest Story, NameBlank Edition [YPPY]

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Aspiring Trainer
You know how this goes (hopefully) so let's get into it!

The YPPY (You-Person-Person-You) rule is in effect in this game, meaning that you have to wait until at least two other people have posted since your last post before you may post again.

If you don't know how it goes basically one person says a few words and the next person has continue the story.
7 word maximum
3 word minimum

There was a man named Peter, who had a broken heater, he though it would be sweeter but it wasn't. Why? It showed signs of being a bomb. So Peter called the police. When they got there the bomb exploded, but Peter survived and decided that his only option was to restart his life. He travelled to PokéBeach under the alias "Real Pokémon Ninja". He had only one goal in his mind, which was to win Werewolf as an Independent. To do this, he enlisted the help of Jim the Hodgeheg, who spin-dashed into a dystopian future full of evil Pokémon never seen before such as Pikachutwo, Mega-Pikachu-EX and Pikachu BREAK, who began terrorizing PokéBeach doing stuff like hitting the Staryu with Thunderbolt. Then along came Vom, holding an exciting slapping trout, with which he accidentally fed to the Pikachu BREAK. PokéBeach's members were shocked - they decided to find the amazing legendary hero. Kurt-EX! He had the power to turn everyone into WPM! Therefore PokéBeach's members became crazed with power and authority! The staff unleashed their Kingdra and Keldeo while the true WPM rallied mods for war. They first had to find the powerful Pokémon. The one that can bring the Pikachu and turn them into Pichu! Legendary TGK! The static electricity from all the Pichu charged spheres which proved Coulomb's Law, though since no one knows what Coulomb's Law is they disregarded the last three statements and told TGK to have the Pichu do a randomly cute dance because Coulomb's Law relates charge to force in a way that makes everyone want to throw up because math ruins all good things.

The search for the legendary TGK began with roasting Celever on an open fire. An audience of hungry squid kids who realized they were late to Splatoon decided to play Pokémon TCG instead, but all of the cards were gone, so they went looking for TGK again but fell in a Team Rocket hole and were zapped by the Pichu. TGK appeared, but suddenly Team Rocket! They teleported TGK to Giovanni! He is the bane of all existence! Inside of the Team Rocket airship there was the Meowth balloon! The Pichu started dancing, singing and sparking, which decimated the balloon. It was Pichu vs Pikachu -- a shocking battle had started -- but as they started an anvil fell. The anvil smashed all of the Pikachu. It was a shocking disaster! Pichu donned a detective's cap and then found an Everstone. It ran to the police to tell of the anvil, but only one officer could understand it! So the others copped out. Pichu slapped WPM, because it's a jerk. WPM actually was the head cop, so he arrested the Pichu, but suddenly TGK! TGK swooped out of the sky and attacked WPM! TGK was a traitor! WPM fled for his safety! TGK decided to start the pichupocalypse and invade the profiles of Celever, Jabberwock, Vom and scattered mind! They ate their badges and banners. After that was darkness, and from darkness came an evil clone of WPM! Not-WPM decided to impose as the real WPM. Everyone had already transformed into WPM. Therefore...
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This game will last for two weeks, so until the 22nd of February, and then an additional 48 hours will be provided for the conclusion, so it will end for good on the 24th. Have fun everyone! :D

Now, to continue the story:
who had a broken heater,
...decided that his only option was to restart his life. He traveled to PokéBeach under the alias...
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