Ruling the metagame

Maybe I can explain this a little better. Although most of the time I'm not really good at explaining things. ^_^;;

Well, first off there are local metagames and then the overall metagame. My local metagame for example is pretty much dead as not too many people play, while other cities metagames are very active with players everywhere. Basically it's the people around you who play and how they play the game (deck types, combos, ect.)

I don't think I explained right.... -_-;; forgive me if I confused you more....
Well, the question is "What is the Metagame?", not "What is your Metagame?"

In which case, the metagame is the overall dominating decks in a certain place or area, which is determined by overall popularity and overall advantage the deck has. If a deck does really well agaisnt several decks in the same place, people will go and start to play that same deck, thus the metagame shifts towards that...

Say for example, that lots of people play ZRE at your league. It's not because everyone had the cards to play ZRE fall in their lap, it's because it's probably the fastest, most dominating deck in that particular area. A deck that that defines the metagame has an advantage agaisnt the other most playable decks in that same area. It defines it, because as I've said, a deck that does good ends up being the deck that everyone plays around there.

Hope this explanation helps.

-Holy Star
Blastoise-shellshocker said:
Don't expect people to tell you vabout their metagame. That's one thing you need to figure out on your own.

Agreed. I usually have to travel to different areas to see what all is being played. It is important to know what decks are being commonly played and how they are working successfully. I note all that I see, retreat to my home base and begin working things from scratch there.

We do not have much of a metagame yet where I live. We are still playing with rogue like decks. The more we play each other and see which idea(s) are succeeding, we may switch over to play that idea or try to combat it.