The Mewtwo EX Thread!


Team UN (White)
To start this discussion off I would like to say that we've all seen Mewtwo EX and know it will be a huge impact on out format. This thread is to cover the following:

1. Will Mewtwo dominate/become BDIF?

2. How will it most likely be played?

3. Will a Mewtwo be used in almost every deck?

4. Will the Mewtwo techs be effective?

5. Will this spark RDL and Lugia Legend

Mewtwo EX – Psychic – HP170
Basic Pokemon

[C][C] EX Ball: Does 20 damage times the number of Energy attached to each player’s Active Pokemon.
[P][P][C] Psycho Drive: 120 damage. Choose 1 Energy attached to this Pokemon and discard it.

Pokemon EX Rule: When Pokemon EX is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2
iisnumber12 said:
1. Will Mewtwo dominate/become BDIF?
I do not think Mewtwo will become BDIF. The fact of the matter is that it's not that hard to counter Mewtwo-EX, and Mewtwo-EX does not have all favorable matchups, so it cannot be BDIF

2. How will it most likely be played?
If Japan's use of Mewtwo-EX is any indication of how it's gonna be played here, then it's going to be everywhere. Mewtwo-EX is easily countered by Mewtwo-EX, so to get around Mewtwo-EX dominating, everyone is just going to run a copy or two of it to counter it. There will also be plenty of decks with Mewtwo-EX based primarily off using some form of energy acceleration (Pachi/Shay, Celebi, Eel)

3. Will a Mewtwo be used in almost every deck?
see above
4. Will the Mewtwo techs be effective?
Mewtwo-EX techs will absolutely be effective, because Mewtwo-EX is a Mewtwo-EX counter, so the tech will absolutely be used.

5. Will this spark RDL and Lugia Legend
This, I'm not too sure of. RDL, I doubt it because Mewtwo-EX can hit for weakness on RDL with minimum energy, and can do it before RDL sets up. Lugia, I'm just not too familiar with. Lugia will probably be the wild card here
1. Mewtwo alone can't be the BDIF. It needs to be paired with other attackers since it counters itself.

2. With Eelektrik or Celebi. It works okay with Gardevoir. It will probably be used as a tech in almost everything else, so it can basically be used in anything running DCE.

3. See above. Yes, but only to counter other Mewtwo.

4. They will be effective at countering Mewtwo decks, yes.

5. No. Legends are too slow and clunky. Mewtwo is a better counter to Mewtwo than RDL/Lugia are.
Something about Mewtwo to remember is that it's not really a deck; it's more so a tech/secondary attacker. Although I haven't tested it, I can't stand the thought of using Mewtwo as the deck's only attacker. So at the least, it should be paired with something else.
Futachimaru said:
Something about Mewtwo to remember is that it's not really a deck; it's more so a tech/secondary attacker. Although I haven't tested it, I can't stand the thought of using Mewtwo as the deck's only attacker. So at the least, it should be paired with something else.

This. This is exactly why Gardevoir/Mewtwo can't work, because Mewtwo-EX is just not good enough by itself. And that's why MTC and Eel/Mewtwo work so well because they both use other attackers.
iisnumber12 said:
1. Will Mewtwo dominate/become BDIF?
Yes I think it will and has been proven in Japan

2. How will it most likely be played?
I think it will be played mostly with Celebi Prime and Tornadus because they are very fast and abuse Skyarrow bridge

3. Will a Mewtwo be used in almost every deck?
Probably because it is so easily splashable with DCE

4. Will the Mewtwo techs be effective?
Not really because Mewtwo can easily be KOed by itself and mists helps the speed mewtwk decks

5. Will this spark RDL and Lugia Legend?
I think that it will definately bring back RDL and will make lugia worth testing
Zorua said:
This. This is exactly why Gardevoir/Mewtwo can't work, because Mewtwo-EX is just not good enough by itself. And that's why MTC and Eel/Mewtwo work so well because they both use other attackers.
You Psyburn. It's good at controlling the opponent's Mewtwo-EX techs with Catcher and Eviolite. If they don't have acceleration, they attach an energy, you Catcher it up and Psyburn it, they still can't OHKO you. And the turn before Mewtwo dies, you can attach a Psychic to a benched Mewtwo and just hit 40 so you can Psyburn the next turn. It's not the BDIF by any means, and it probably won't pass tier two, but it's too early to start writing decks off.
Celebi23 said:
You Psyburn. It's good at controlling the opponent's Mewtwo-EX techs with Catcher and Eviolite. If they don't have acceleration, they attach an energy, you Catcher it up and Psyburn it, they still can't OHKO you. And the turn before Mewtwo dies, you can attach a Psychic to a benched Mewtwo and just hit 40 so you can Psyburn the next turn. It's not the BDIF by any means, and it probably won't pass tier two, but it's too early to start writing decks off.

Ok, yeah, I was a tad harsh. It's not that it can't work, but it certainly isn't amazing and is outclassed by just about every other Mewtwo-EX variant.
1. No. It won't dominate. IMO it is too easy to shut down.
2. It will be played in Celebi/Mewtwo and as techs in Eels and any energy accelerating decks because it does so much and doesn't need many energies.
3. No. Only in energy based decks. I mean face it, would you play it in VVV or Durant? I think not.
4.Yes. They are speed killers and are counters to psychic types and opposing Mewtwos. And you can control their damage output (X ball with energy acceleration).
5. Oh yeah! RDL all the way! Three prizes for a one-hit ko is awesome! Thats half your prizes in one shot. But on the topic of Lugia Legend- It is inconsistent, hard to get out, and overall a waste of space. RDL is the way to go, IMO.

Actually, you would only play RDL in an energy acceleration deck and you wouldnt keep it on your bench. You would keep it in your hand and suprise kill them. You get 3 prizes they get 2.
It will have a large impact on the metagame. On the other hand, it will not destroy everything. It's hilarious to drop a Mewtwo EX, DCE, Retreat your Active to your own Mewtwo EX and X-Ball for a KO. Because then it becomes a series of Mewtwo EX counters and everyone has a blast. Celebi/Tornadus seems to be very effective at the moment, but we'll have to wait and see.
1. Nope, it's not good enough. It's too easy to revenge the kills with another Mewtwo or something else.

2. In Mewtwo/Gardy (only deck where Mewtwo is main attacker) and as 1 or 2-ofs in most decks

3. No, only most. Some decks have better ways to kill Mewtwo rather than their own Mewtwo (ex. Magnezone)

4. Yes. They can kill other Mewtwos and be used in other situations

5. No. RDL may be played in the occasional Reshiboar EX or Magneboar, but no more than before, and Lugia Legend will never be played, it's terrible.
1. Will Mewtwo dominate/become BDIF?
No, Every deck counters decks where mewtwo is the main attacker
2. How will it most likely be played?
As a tech, not a main attacker
3. Will a Mewtwo be used in almost every deck?
4. Will the Mewtwo techs be effective?
Yes, best way to play mewtwo.
5. Will this spark RDL and Lugia Legend
No, too heavy attack costs. Even if taking 3 prizes for each EX kill is awesome.
iisnumber12 said:
To start this discussion off I would like to say that we've all seen Mewtwo EX and know it will be a huge impact on out format. This thread is to cover the following:

1. Will Mewtwo dominate/become BDIF?
It will be played very much, and will in the eyes of most players probably become BDIF, but counters exist, so I don't think it will totally dominate.
2. How will it most likely be played?
Like a boss With Celebi, Eelektrik, or something similar to throw a bunch of energy on it.
3. Will a Mewtwo be used in almost every deck?
Yes, because people may run Mewtwo to counter Mewtwo.
4. Will the Mewtwo techs be effective?
Only to end games, because if you don't end the game right there, another Mewtwo return-KOs.
5. Will this spark RDL and Lugia Legend
Lugia will not be used, but people may pass up MTC and similar for Emboar decks, just so they can take half their prizes in one turn.

Thank you.
1. Will Mewtwo dominate/become BDIF?

Dominate, yes. BDIF, maybe. It will certainly have a place in most, if not all championship decks.

2. How will it most likely be played?

As a staple-tech in most decks. A few people will use it as an alternate to magnezone, but the biggest success is most likely going to be the leaf tornado varient, with celebi energy acceleration setting up large amount of damage quickly.

3. Will a Mewtwo be used in almost every deck?

yes, see below

4. Will the Mewtwo techs be effective?

yes. I consider it a staple pokemon, if only as a counter to dedicated mewtwo decks.
2 [c] is extremely cheap for 40+ damage, especially if you have DCE in your deck

5. Will this spark RDL and Lugia Legend

no more than current levels, as the only decks currently capable of running them already are.
1. Will Mewtwo dominate/become BDIF?: I doubt Mewtwo variants will become BDIF, because they are too easily countered by Mew Prime techs (to a lesser extent), and well, themselves. A deck that is weak to itself isn't going to go too far, especially when a 1 card tech with a Double Colorless Energy can wreck your entire set up. I'm not too educated on the decks centered around Mewtwo, so I am not going to shoot them down as quickly as I would like to.

2. How will it most likely be played?: I would think that Mewtwo EX is mostly going to be played as a tech, or an attacker in a basic toolbox like deck. The idea of centering an entire deck around Mewtwo EX and energy acceleration is pretty bad, this card is going to be at its best played with several other attackers, or as a tech in several decks in the meta.

3. Will a Mewtwo be used in almost every deck?:
Short answer, yes. People are going to be afraid of Mewtwo, and are going to want to be on an even playing field against a Mewtwo player. Should it be played in almost every deck? Probably not. Will it be played as a tech in a lot of decks in the meta? Probably.

4. Will the Mewtwo techs be effective?:
Only against other Mewtwos, otherwise they are pointless. It is kinda complex, people will be playing Mewtwo to counter other Mewtwos and Mewtwo techs. It's pretty dumb, but it is going to be this way until people realize how good the deck actually is, and the Mewtwo hype dies down.

5. Will this spark RDL and Lugia Legend?: I wouldn't be caught dead playing either.

What the general point of my post is, is that Mewtwo is going to be held back as a card, because of itself. Once people who are playing Mewtwo centered decks realize that they can be counter by a simple one card tech, Mewtwo EX centered decks will drop in play. With the drop in play of Mewtwo centered deck, Mewtwo EX techs will also die down, because they are no longer countering a large portion of the metagame. Ah, things are complicated. In my opinion, Reshiram and Zekrom EX are much bigger threats.
1. Will Mewtwo dominate/become BDIF?
It will be a great deck, but most decks will outspeed it. I can only see it being a tech, and not a stand alone deck (except for MTC).

2. How will it most likely be played?
As a tech in the majority of this format's decks, or as the star in MTC.

3. Will a Mewtwo be used in almost every deck?
One or two Mewtwo will probably be a tech in most decks, that is, if MTC gets popular.

4. Will the Mewtwo techs be effective?

Probably not, but people are stupid and will play them anyways.

5. Will this spark RDL and Lugia Legend
Not Lugia, but if Mewtwo gets out of hand, then most likely some RDL varients will become popular.