The misplays thread


Hi, I'm a scrub
Post all your "I wish I could take *Insert misplay* back and I would've won" posts here. Otherwise known as misplays.

The worst misplay I ever made: I was playing Mightyena at BRs against Luxchomp, I go first with a lone Poochyena, pass, and he uses 5 Flash Bites and wins. I was using the Poochyena from PL, so I could've howled and gotten another Poochyena and placed it on the bench for no energy...
Sure why not....

At a recent cities I was using Porygon-Z and up against Gigas. He had 3 DCE in play at the time and I level up into PorygonZ X. I begin to use Decode and then realize I forgot to use Mode Crash.
Got a lot of these. _-_

Used up 2 Bebe's earlier in my Luxray versus Vilegar and didn't account for needing them late game. Also forgot I had a Luxray GL Lv.X in the Prizes, which I should have took instead of a Cyrus.

Forgot about Bright Look which left my Dragonite FB open to being brought up and killed. Should have gotten a Power Spray lol.

dmaster out.
we had a mini tournament with some friends. it was the finals he had darkrai x and i had bellossom from hidden legends. he only had 20 left i used miracle powder flipped heads picked asleep and what happens he flips heads and OHKOs it. i should have picked paralyze and i would have won.
Regionals '10:
Top 8 round, Gyarados (me) vs. Spiriplox. I lost the first game, won the second, and here I am on the third. I was desperate for a prize and to quickly get rid of one of his Ralts, so I decided to waste a Belt, Bat, and two Energy on Luxray for the KO. The results? He the Gallade, Collector for two Ralts and Uxie, Candied Ralts into Gallade, attached DCE (note Ralts already had a Psychic Energy), did some other stuff, and swept Luxray for two prizes. Which ended up being game considering how badly I needed the Belt later on.

Cities '10:
I played Magikarp completely ignoring the fact that Miasma Valley was in play. I thought BTS was in :/ Knocked me out of a Cities win.
Regionals 2010
I was about to beat this one guy using a water deck and I accidentally shuffled my discard pile into my deck :/
Use Azelf to look at my prize. I was kind of fast (Half SP Toolbox) against a Gengar Machamp deck. I had a PONT on my prize. I KO an opponent pokemon and took my prize directly, without thinking a little about which prize should I take. I had no cards in my hand. I draw a cyclone energy instead. fail. I beat that guy even with that, because I was already set.
^I hate when that happens.

This isn't a misplay but after using time walk I picked up my prizes as if they were my hand. Fail.
LOL I had 2 misplays in 1 tourny 1st
round 2 I am a head in prizes 4-2 and the prevous turn I SSUed an Uxie with an unown Q attached I only had 4 benched pokemon at the time (including the SSUed Uxie) I play down the Unown Q setup with uxie for 6 cards and forget to re-attach the Q so he tripple flash bites and KOs my G-dose for a total of 2 prizes and ties the game (I pulled it out with my E-belted ditto and flash bite FTW)
The other misplay was in round 5
so this battle decides weather I make topcut or not he is palying pluff, so he starts attaches and bounces for 10 I opened smeargle portrit a collector and only AFTER picking my pokemon do I realize I could have donked him via seeker BTS communication combee to gyarados use a junkarm and Tail revenge FTW (I won and went on to win the tourny :))
My biggest misplay was at States '10.

I was new and had a mixed up deck. I'm against Gliscor with kinda a Meganium Prime deck. I have Expert Belted Meganium Prime on bench with 3 energy and Raticate AR active I knew he was going to KO my Raticate then I would send up Meganium Prime and KO his damaged Gliscor Lv.X. But instead of doing damage I decide to use recruit for nothing. He KO's me and I can't KO him since I was 10 Damage off.
My biggest misplay was at Nationals unfortunately... I was playing this kid, and we each had two prizes left, he had an ERL active and I had a Kingdra Prime, I start my turn SSU, forget to spray splash :F I end up 10 short of the kill and he kills my Kingdra with Luxray the next turn... Fail.
Dumbest. Misplay. Ever.

I needed a Crobat G and some other things to kill somebody's lone Uxie they had had for 2 turns with my Uxie, somehow. I have two Poke Turns in my hand, so I think there has to be some way this is possible. I Pokemon Communication away some Pokemon I don't need at the time for a Crobat G. I can't find it in my deck, so I assume it's in my prizes and I grab Azelf. After I shuffle my deck and set it back, I pick up my hand and realize the Crobat was in my hand the whole time and if I had just searched for Uxie X instead of Azelf I would have won. -_- lo and behold, I was playing against Regigigas and the max damage I can do is 100. He gets set up and I get wrecked. :(

I should note that every major misplay I make is due to a caffeine crash and a lack of a real meal.
(vs Vilegar)

Plotting how not to KO a SF Gengar so Fainting Spell wouldn't trigger, so I try to use Pluspower and Flash Biting (with Poke Turns as well) artfully to leave it at 10 HP so I can Flash Bite next turn.
Unfortunately, I didn't notice it was leveled-up (the card was a bit off to the side instead of directly on the card), and so I ended up using Deafen and burned up a ton of PlusPowers, instead of using Second Strike and then an easy Flash Bite next turn.

Needless to say I lost.
Cities this weekend..playing Gyarados against VileGar...trainer locked with Gyarados active and Regice benched...didn't remember to Regice to thin hand until Gyarados died twice...FML...ended up taking it to overtime however.
At my last Cities, I was playing Vilegar, it was round 4 vs a Kingdra Prime deck. I had a SF Gengar Set up and a Gloom and a Spiritomb on the bench. He KO'd an active spiritomb. I bring up Gengar. I sit there contemplating my next move. Retreat for tomb and Darkness grace into Vileplume to continue my lock, or attack 1 turn early. He had 3 cards in hand. I attack with shadow room. His turn, drops 2 pokedrawer+. It was GG from there.
At my last cities, I was playing gdos. It was the final round and I was 2-1, and the guy I was playing isn't that great. He was playing mewperior, so I could 1 shot all mews. This it what happened-

He was winning 3-4 prizes, he had just knocked out my rescued gdos. So it's my turn and I play gdos back down (without bts!!!) and I twins for like a rescue energy and another twins. On my next turn, I relized there was no bts in play and I had killed a mew! So I call over a judge and tell her what had happened. I say that I can put the cards I got with twins back (the second twins I had played) and get out a bts, but she didn't allow it. This became a prize card penalty against me for him to clinch the game and for me to miss top cut.
I was playing Luxchomp against a friend's Gyarados at states. So we start up and he has a lone sabeleye. I have an active luxray and I attach an e-belt and a DCE. All is going good and Im only 10 of a donk. So I sp radar a Luxray X. I attack and then realise I should have Sp radar'd for a crobat g. I was such a n00b -__-
Okay, so today at league, I am playing Mewperior, and my opponent is playing Gyarados with a Benched Dialga G Lv. X, so I'm locked up. Luckily, I Collected my Blaziken and attached a Rainbow Energy. I I Luring Flamed up the Dialga G Lv. X, and it took 20 from being burned. She couldn't Warp Point or retreat, so Diaga was just stuck there. In between turns, it takes another 20 damage. So on my turn, I attach a Rescue Energy on to Mew on the Bench. I'm going to attack with Vapor Kick, but then I see I only have one Energy on Blaziken and I already attached. FAIL. So I pass, on her turn she SSU's her Dialga, brings up Gyarados, and it's pretty much a good game after that.
I told you to run Blaziken in that deck.
By the way, a lot of Gyarados seem to be teching in DGX now it seems, to get around Trainer Lock and other nasty things. That, and Gyarados has no Poke-Bodies in the deck so it doesn't get hurt at all.
Game at League.

Left my Bench wide open to a rough Regi Move. I needed to keep a Spray in my hand for Uxie, but misplayed and should have played down Crobat G on my Bench. I knew I would have to send up Garchomp C to take a hit, but I didn't account for not being able to get everything I needed that turn (Garchomp C Lv.X, so SP Radar, and some other TGI I needed instead).

dmaster out.