The misplays thread

This was back when I was a total n00b:
I was at my first Cities, and was losing to a LuxChomp player so bad it was pathetic. I just drew into an Azelf, and needed my Claydol bad. I play it down and my Claydol wasn't prized, and thinking Azelf could take anything out of the prizes and I take a Bebe's Search -__- It was the worst game I ever played. Now this was a long time ago and I THINK he was playing LuxChomp, but I'm not 100% sure.
Pretty much anytime I drop a Pokemon onto bench, and then realize I was an idiot to do that.

It happens a lot.
At cities once I was up on prizes and decide to equip a belt to a scizor prime on bench which gets reversaled to the active spot and I cant retreat it and dont have enough energy to retreat giving my opponent the win
It's a mirror match during Cities: Vilegar vs Vilegar

I had a Gengar LV.X out on a Gengar SF, he had a Gengar LV.X out on Gengar SF. It's my turn, we both have 6 counters on our active Gengar SFs. I forgot about LVX's power and proceed to Shadowroom his Gengar LV.X, then I immediately say "Oh I'll Level-Down your Gengar LV.X first." (literally splitsecond right after I say Shadowroom Gengar). My opponent didn't allow it.

Misplay costed me the entire game. :(

Well, no biggie, but from then on, I Level-Down every single damn thing before attacking.
In CC's i had 2 prizes left, my opponent had 1 and it was my turn. I had a Drifblim FB on my bench charged up and could KO two pixes, my opponent had 3 cards in hand.

I decide to Bright look up a Staraptor and KO that instead b/c of a small hand size and not wanting to let him draw into a collector w/ Staraptor(i had used up 3 sprays at this point and had ran out)
He brings up bat, croak, psycic, gain were the 3 cards in his hand :(
if i had just KO'd the stuff on his bench i most likely would have won b/c he showed me what was left in his deck afterward ;(
oh welp.
Battle Road Autumn 2010
My Deck:
Mightyena/Skuntank Poison Structure
My Opponent:
Randomness w/ Scizor Prime(s)
Accidentally attached Darkness Energy to Mightyena to get more power from his attack. I had at least 2 prizes on my opponent. Then he sent out Scizor Prime... and I bet you can guess the rest of the story from there. But it would have been a tie in the end if my opponent would have remembered to put 1 damage counter between turns on Scizor due to it being poisoned. (He skipped about three times and tried to say that poison only happened when my turn ended but I had a judge sort it out)

In the end the run was 2-3 :(