The most funny deck?


Rayquaza is the Real sky worrior!!
Hi, Nationals has passed, and i just need a deck for fun. It still needs to be modified (without SV). You may come with a list if you have one and/or a strategy. The idea of this thread is to come with a deck/strategy and write why it is funny. You may also discuss with each other how the deck could be better or more funny.
I want no argueing but just discussing, this is only for fun. Be happy:D.
Please join if you have ideas, you don't have to write a list but it would be fine thanks.
pokemon 16
4-4 weavile
4-4 wailord

trainers 27
4 potion
4 pokehealer
4 life herb
3 bts
4 nightmaintence
4 super scoopup
2 dawn stadium
2 moonlight

energy 17 water

Startegy stall
4 Croagunk MT
4 Darkrai MD
3 Unown G
2-2 Claydol
2 Crobat G
4 call energy
4 Rainbow
1 Dark Energy
5 Psychic

Machamp/Gengar counter FTW
Umm, Well, I guess this could be counted as funny

Pokémon 4

4 Magikarp GE


4 Miasma Valley

Energy 52

52 Water
If we'd have a Magikarp GE. Funny list Furroshi.

If you want absolute suicide tho, try a Ditto-Dialga G deck :p
1 Magikarp deck or 1 Purugly deck. 59 Energy for the Magikarp deck and tons of Trainers for the Purugly varient.

dmaster out.
The funniest decks are
Purugly G
Or maybe Gyrados is funny just because it somehow won a Nats(how's that happen?
Gyarados SF + Lots of discarding support + Floatzel GL X = Consistent 90 for 0 coming from a 130 HP beast. Its an awesome deck.
Blastress. Its a combo of Foretress and Blastoise(SW). Its funny because to can hit all Pokemon for TONS of damage. I've seen it hit everyone for 180 damage.
Lou Cypher said:
Gyarados SF + Lots of discarding support + Floatzel GL X = Consistent 90 for 0 coming from a 130 HP beast. Its an awesome deck.

is this what won french nationals?
T2 Claydol. You should just see the look on your opponent's face when they see a swarm of Baltoys and Claydols on the field. The best part about the deck is that you never have to worry about taking up space with drawpower like Claydol and Uxie.

However, I did lose 6-0 with it...though it was a funny match.
I hear that Uxie, Crobat, Pluspower deck is pretty good. Funny but good. ;o

dmaster out.
Here's a fail I mean fun deck:

4-4 Claydol
4 Uxie
3 Omastar
4 Dialga LV. X
2 Ditto
4 Azelf
4-2-1 Infernape DP
1 Magikarp
3 Geodude
1 Graveler
2-2 Dialga G LV. X

= 41

3 Energy Patch
4 Energy Pick-Up
4 Energy Search
4 Energy Switch
4 Energy Link

= 19

0 Energy

= 0

You know this deck is BDIF...don't deny it.

OK, here's why this deck is funny: Your opponent will be so confused by what you are doing, they will walk away and won't return until time is called, giving you the win.

In all seriousness though, T2 Claydol, Wailord, Shuppet, or a nice rogue will give you some interesting and fun games. Just avoid Macheap and you'll be OK...and I hope you're not too concerned about winning.
Wait what about a Dialga, all you have is the level X?
LOL i should play that for next season......
Also here's one
4 Shuppet
4 Uxie/3-1 Uxie Lv.X
4 Crobat G
4 PlusPower
10 Psychic Energy
What more do you need?
Oh the rest is for you to decided netdeckers.
Wait what about a Dialga, all you have is the level X?
LOL I should play that for next season......
Also here's one
4 Shuppet
4 Uxie/3-1 Uxie Lv.X
4 Crobat G
4 PlusPower
10 Psychic Energy
What more do you need?
Oh the rest is for you to decided netdeckers.

...that's point, lol.

Anyway, you have to have 60 cards to get in a tournament. Maybe put in some Poke-Turn and SSU? Sounds funny to play, though.
Shuppet and Uxie Swarm can be considered competitive decks.

If you want something weird try to see how those POP 9 promos would work as a deck.
This isn't really so much a funny deck as it is just a funny deck to play with but you should try it out

4-4 Mightyena PT
3 Skuntank G
3 Honchkrow G
2 Crobat G
1-1 Claydol
1 uxie LA
pokemon: 19

4 moonlight stadium
3 bebe's
3 roseanne's
2 volkner's
4 Cyrus'
4 poketurn
2 power spray
4 SP radar
4 energy gain
1 lux ball
trainers : 31

4 special dark
6 basic dark

use skuntank to poison your own mightyena and attack for free!
6That really isn't a funny deck as it is a pretty good rogue and as for funny decks how about
3-2-3-1:Garchomp Lv.X(MD)
4:Unown E(MT)