The most funny deck?

LOL! Uxie Shuppet sounds realy fun! :D But i just need a pokemon to take some of the damage. Any idea?

Some of the decks is too silly like magikrap. They should be competive.

Just carry on... this thread is already really fun!
Unowns with Forretress SW... it's an awesome deck, doing 20 to their entire bench and 120 to their active every turn if you flip tails. :p Too bad their own brother Unown G stops it..
4 Mr.mime SV
4 Mr.mime ex even
4 mr.mime ex odd
1 lucaro GL
2-2 shedinja SV
4 Unown G

1 Luxary ball
4 rosey

22 psy energy

OmG my brother plays that exact same deck at league except he changed 4xMr. Mime(SV)and 2-2:shedinja(SV) for 4:mime(jungle and 4 upper energy
gengar the baller said:
Shuppet and Uxie Swarm can be considered competitive decks.

If you want something weird try to see how those POP 9 promos would work as a deck.

Haha! I am SOO trying that out! :p
Unown is pretty fun(ny), but can also be quite effective. Unown V plus Unown Z makes a fantastic combo. Drapion Lv.X plus 2 Unown K make a funny deck, too. Just bring in their Claydol and keep attacking and sniping with Drapion. Unown K is to remove the damage on the Defending Pokemon, leaving it just stuck there.

It just gets better in Unlimited, with cards like Unown A, Unown Q, and Unown X. Those 3 Unowns are deadly in Unlimited.
nevses said:
Hi, Nationals has passed, and I just need a deck for fun. It still needs to be modified (without SV). You may come with a list if you have one and/or a strategy. The idea of this thread is to come with a deck/strategy and write why it is funny. You may also discuss with each other how the deck could be better or more funny.
I want no argueing but just discussing, this is only for fun. Be happy:D.
Please join if you have ideas, you don't have to write a list but it would be fine thanks.

My states Exploud deck:
4-1-3 exploud
1-0-1 Dusknoir DP
1-1 Dialga G lv. X
2x Giratina (let loose)
2-2 Claydol
1x Uxie

I might be forgetting something, but the strategy is to either do 50+confuse, or 20 to bench+no T/S/S (or a combination of the aforementioned) and to shutdown their bodies, hand and bench. I went 2-5 with it because I made it the night before since i couldn't get enough rampardos' to make the deck i wanted. I thought it did alright and I really liked the expressions on peoples' faces.
Something with only Crobat Gs, Poketurns, SSUs and Spiritombs to win T1 without attacking. :D
1 Uxie and 59 Energy. Best deck ever.
Or, you can use Gyrados G, Rampardos GL or Dragonite. They all make for really fun decks.
try 4-3-4 shiftry DP, with lots of switches and warp point, add some moonlight stadium.
then some pokeblower + and machamp SF.
imacharizard333 said:
1 Uxie and 59 Energy. Best deck ever.
Or, you can use Gyrados G, Rampardos GL or Dragonite. They all make for really fun decks.

Why not 4 Uxie and 56 energy?
Idk if this has been posted

garydos deck with blissey and lunitone. This would use a mass poke ball engine 2 gary, 2 blissy, 2 lunitone, and 2snorlax for stall. slowly discard while you stall untill all magikarp are in the grave and brake out 90 per hit with a phew poke rescues.
infmach said:
imacharizard333 said:
1 Uxie and 59 Energy. Best deck ever.
Or, you can use Gyrados G, Rampardos GL or Dragonite. They all make for really fun decks.

Why not 4 Uxie and 56 energy?
It's way too expensive to buy 4 Uxie for a joke deck that loses every time.
^Hey! I said that the deck/ideas should'nt be too silly! The decks shall not lose on purpes. The decks have to be competive (someway). The only thing i want is a deck i can play with fun. :)
It's unlimited, but Sabirna's Kadabra, Sabrina's ESP, and Vileplume LA make for a pretty fun deck. Make sure to abuse Dark Dragonair and Pidgeot FRLG, along with a whole mess of broken trainers (Bill, Gust of Wind, Professor Oak, Celio's Network, etc.) The main strategy is to use Sabrina's ESP and Life Drain to get the opponent down to one HP, and Poisoning them with Vileplume before hand. Instant KO.
Me got a deck idea:

4-3-4 Gengar(DP)
4-3-4 Nidoqueen(SW)

This deck is the perfect mother gengar. Nidoqueen makes attack cost for gengar stay the same cause he isnt a nido then gengar does 4 damage counter from any of your pokemon for the ultimate destruction. And then you just life drain FTW...haha lol...or you could try:

4-3-4 Machamp(DP)
4-3-4 Ramparados(MT)

Works out perfect cause you confuse then hasty headbutt FTW...lolol...