The New Episode


The Blonde Brainiac
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Why does Dawn care so much about her hair ? The episode was so weird beacuse she almost has a fit due to some bed hair ! I have bed hair all the time and I don't have a fit ! And the beginning is like the end, that battle sequence between Dawn's Piplup and the Wild Buneary. I don't get it that. And that Dawn's Buneary is probably female since I think Ash's Pikachu is a boy, did anyone follow ANY of this when they watched it ?
well you see Dawn is a girly girl she is nothing like misty or may. If you ask me they shoud bring back misty. Like in the next seson she could open her own gym in the next region.
Actually Dawn is pretty funny when it comes to hair because she used Piplup's bubblebeam to fix her hair instead of a sink of water. That is pretty funny and besides Pokemon is for everyone. That is what makes it fun to watch.:)
The whole thing about the end or middle at the very beginning, it's a new trend they started in Japan. At the beginng of the episode, they will show a clippet of what will come in the episode. It a pretty good thing if you ask me, new.

As for Dawn on her hair. I thought it was hilarious when she had a hissy fit about her air being a mess. Lol, silly Dawn. And she even implemented a feature of Piplup. Used its bubbles for hair care. "Because she worth it."
That Pokemon is pretty strong and the fact that it already knows ice beam and dizzy punch is beyond words. How can that Pokemon already know ice beam when it is a TM move?:)
That episode was very funny.

As for Buneary, if you're going to wonder about why it has a strange moveset, add it to the list with May's Munchlax.
Now, Dawn and Ash are even close since thier Pokemon could mate, and I'm not even going past that
Pokemonwebsurfer said:
That episode was very funny.

As for Buneary, if you're going to wonder about why it has a strange moveset, add it to the list with May's Munchlax.

You have a point.

May's Munchlax knew super moves like Focus Punch, Solarbeach, etc., her Eevee knew moves like Shadow Ball and Dig, her Squirtle knew moves like Ice Beam, etc.
How can they learn those moves on the show and they have to be taut in the GBA games? It does not makes sense but in the anime world there is magic in the making.:)
May's Munchlax got the good moveset because May was getting to the point that she was getting very good. Plus, the anime people wanted to make Munclax look good probably.