Spelling and grammar usage are at an all-time low on these forums. To pressure people into looking at their keyboards when typing, there is now a spelling and grammar rating systems in place.
You can now warn up to 5 members a day who use atrocious spelling and grammar (do not warn people for making a few mistakes here and there, like, "You missed a comma there, so HA!"). You can also give positive ratings to users who always type eloquently. When giving users a negative reputation, be sure to say what they can improve on, and cite the post you saw the poor usage. This system is not meant for "well, in general, you suck at grammar in your posts." You MUST cite a single post when giving a single warning.
The system is not meant for ANYTHING ELSE, including SPAM. Just spelling, grammar, sentences, whatever. This is meant to both force people to double-check their posts before posting and teach people what they can improve on.
Every month or so, the reputations will be reset, so if you are indeed improving your writing, those negative reputations will not hinder you. Unless English is not your first language, having a very low spelling and grammar ranking could result in a temporary ban.
People who abuse this system, even just once, will receive a three-day ban. A second time it'll be two weeks. Any more and it'll be a permaban. We are totally serious and will enforce these punishments, which means a 30% warning, the highest out of all the warning types. To report someone who has given you an unfair ranking,post in this thread. report the offender in any post of his, but specify that it is a rep abuse.
Announcement thing:
NN: Basically, we're trying to say that if you have any "please rate my grammar", "here's a positive, please rate my grammar" or "rate my grammar and I'll rate yours" anywhere, you are liable for a 30% warning under Reputation System Abuse. I will go ahead to remove any of these that I see.
You can now warn up to 5 members a day who use atrocious spelling and grammar (do not warn people for making a few mistakes here and there, like, "You missed a comma there, so HA!"). You can also give positive ratings to users who always type eloquently. When giving users a negative reputation, be sure to say what they can improve on, and cite the post you saw the poor usage. This system is not meant for "well, in general, you suck at grammar in your posts." You MUST cite a single post when giving a single warning.
The system is not meant for ANYTHING ELSE, including SPAM. Just spelling, grammar, sentences, whatever. This is meant to both force people to double-check their posts before posting and teach people what they can improve on.
Every month or so, the reputations will be reset, so if you are indeed improving your writing, those negative reputations will not hinder you. Unless English is not your first language, having a very low spelling and grammar ranking could result in a temporary ban.
People who abuse this system, even just once, will receive a three-day ban. A second time it'll be two weeks. Any more and it'll be a permaban. We are totally serious and will enforce these punishments, which means a 30% warning, the highest out of all the warning types. To report someone who has given you an unfair ranking,
Announcement thing:
Holy Star said:We've had some problems with reported posts and with some members using the reputation system lately.
While the Report button should be used whenever you deem a post offensive and wish for a Moderator to see to it quickly, there comes a point where this is being overused. For example:
-Reporting a post that you feel is in violation of the rules, but actually is within the rules of the forum. Please refer to the forum rules before you report a post! You might be in error.
-Reporting a person for personal reasons. Reporting because of differences you have with a member is not an avenue to take. You can discuss your differences with that person over PM or inform a Moderator of the situation through a PM.
-Reporting with a pompous, authoritative attitude. Perhaps clicking the "Report" button is the equivalent to some people as being on a power trip, but it's this kind of negativity that we don't like to see in our members.
Anyone who abuses the Report system will be warned, with continued abuse resulting in stricter punishments.
The "Spelling/Grammar" Reputation system, originally intended to improve members' Spelling and Grammar, has seen a few unsavory characters corrupt the system.
-A system of "I scratch your back you scratch mine" (that is, you rep me and then I'll rep you) has been seen put out into the open in people's Custom User Titles, Signatures, and possibly other areas as well for gaining Reputation points. This undermines the whole purpose of the system and will not be tolerated.
-"Retaliation Reps," where one member gives another a negative rep and the receiver of that rep does the same to the first member, are not allowed either.
Anyone found doing either of these be warned at first, but stricter punishments will be enforced if such activity continues.
Recall from this announcement that any abuses of the Reputation system will be dealt with by a three (3) day ban, with further abuses resulting in a two (2) week ban and finally with a permanent ban.
NN: Basically, we're trying to say that if you have any "please rate my grammar", "here's a positive, please rate my grammar" or "rate my grammar and I'll rate yours" anywhere, you are liable for a 30% warning under Reputation System Abuse. I will go ahead to remove any of these that I see.