The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System: Check last post for updates

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RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

Also try FireFox: it has a built in grammar/spelling check.
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

I type really good. Even though I only use two fingers (both index fingers) to type. I found that way easier for me than the regular method (the five-fingered Method)
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

It really doesn't matter what way you type. Just if you spell correctly. take 4 hours to write an essay. If you have great spelling and grammar, it's absolutely fine, unless your in computer lab however. :p
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

People have different methods on the way they type and most type upmost perfectly
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

I can't type that well. My fingers lead me to each key, and I have no idea where I'm going. I'm not too great of a typer but I can type pretty fast! :p
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

My keyboard for one computer doesn't register the keys being pressed sometimes.
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

WPM, I am going to be honest. Regardless of how hard you try and try to push these guidelines, your not going to get your anticipated result. This system is too problematic. Making a thread and an announcement just isn't quite enough. It's not going to get the message across. There is no sure way to report this action, as there is too many members too count;unless of course you enjoy getting mass PM'ed. Laying down these rules will help, but won't do everything you planned. It is still going to lead to spam and disputes, thus banning active members for a pretty decent amount of time, or even worse permanently. People are just going to continue to abuse this system, and will find ways to work around it. For example, "You are the Administrator of PokeBeach! By the way, you have good grammar." <--Simple as that. Again, keep on enforcing this, that's great. And if you find a way to make this work, kudos to you. It's way to problematic, and hard to keep track of. And will just cause, spam, disputes, and further confusion amongst forum members, which we quite obviously don't need. =/
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

You do have a point there. It's too hard to control everyone. It all lies in the hands of the members themselves to give fair reps. I'll just try my best to give fair reps. You can count on me! :)
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

The result is hopefully to stop all the spaming. We might get what he excepts, thought it will have to take some time...
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

this new system makes me feel bad about my english skills
ive got negatives because i dont capatalize
its a forum not a freaking english class
this new stuff really really makes me angry
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

trevorispro said:
this new system makes me feel bad about my english skills
ive got negatives because I don't capatalize
its a forum not a freaking english class
this new stuff really really makes me angry
*kricketune chirps*
1. English is the hardest language to learn, typing is harder though so don't go crying now
2. actually there are many reasons...
3. True but we can't all be like pokemonred going: Plez jone ma clawn
4. It's not gonna make you angry unless you cry over a scratch on a rock

It causes spam/flaming and makes CERTAIN people cry *coughtrevorisprocough*
But this would be better for trading.. I mean C'mon! Rating spelling/Grammar?
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

I usually judge people's spelling and grammar on if you can read what they are saying well. Sometimes when I don't understand what someone is saying because their words are totally mispelled and they have linking sentences, I can't help but give a negative. :)
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

Now don't complain. This is a way to help people learn proper grammar and spelling
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

Good point. We can also PM a person and let them know after we give them a rep. We're supposed to help them. :)
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

Check andyman's rep.
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

I've got a bad Rep in here from Andyman, just because I reported his Avatar to a Mod and it got removed. >__> I'm like really close to giving him a -1. :/ But I won't. ;p

EDIT: Yeah, lolz zyflair.

dmaster out.
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

See, some people shouldn't be repping, because all it's going to do is start flame wars and rivalries.
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

That's what I said a couple of pages ago. That's what this will boil down to. Flame wars and rivalries...
RE: The New Spelling and Grammar Rankings System

I'm already used a laughing stock in a quote by Senor Noobnerd. I should be ashamed! :(

I will make sure all my posts are only related to spelling and grammar! :)
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