The next format cut is...

Psychic Pokemon Master said:
I guess from we will have to use other Trainers like Celio's Network to search for basic pokemon since Holon Mentor will be out of format soon...  :(

He/She (PPM) is saying soon, not now.:D
Deku_Venomoth96 said:
Papi/Manny, Lannettes will b cut and Psychic Pokemon Master, Holon Mentor is in Dragon Frontiers

Sorry, I forgot about it... :p

iananne07 said:
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
I guess from we will have to use other Trainers like Celio's Network to search for basic pokemon since Holon Mentor will be out of format soon... :(

He/She (PPM) is saying soon, not now.:D

I'm a he... :D