The Next Rotation


Is back as of March 24
EDIT: TPCi has confirmed the format for 14'-15' season.

You can check it out here.

Set rotation will be BCR-ON and BW55 and higher, and XY01 and higher.
The rotation will apply until September 3 of 2014.

Which sets do you think will be rotated? Will this affect you? Do you expect reprints of cards that you suppose that will be rotated? What would pass to any deck if a card gets rotated?

I think it will be NXD-BCR (on), this won't affect me, not in a huge way, I would only make some little changes to my decks, but, if they do it like NXD-PLS decks like Blastoise / Keldeo would suffer huge changes, maybe, they would be unusable, I hope they make a new Skyla, something like it, but not Skyla.

What do you think?
Assuming the new format will be PLS-Fall 2014 Set (which I almost definitely think it will be), by far the 2 most impactful cards leaving the format are Tool Scrapper and Skyla. Without Tool Scrapper, Garbodor is basically impenetrable on the bench. There is Chatot, but you can just put a Silver Mirror on Garbodor and it's totally safe. I think more decks will start playing Catcher to pick off Garbodor on the bench, but even then, the card is still incredible, and will probably be the downfall of ability-based decks. Skyla is just an incredible supporter that I don't think anyone is really glad to see going. It was well balanced, and was more helpful to slower decks. Again, this will probably be the downfall of ability decks.

Other really important cards that are leaving: Dark Patch and Sableye, which will make Darkrai decks much weaker, if not non-existent. Prism Energy and Blend Energy, which are all useful cards, but will probably just be replaced by Rainbow Energy. Computer Search, which is still one of the best Ace Specs. Landorus EX, which would get a lot better with Garbodor becoming stronger. Duskull, which if they don't make another one soon, will make Dusknoir unplayable (inb4 people play Cradily just to get Dusknoir out). Accelgor, which is really annoying with Trevenant and I think is a good thing to leave the format. And Tropical Beach, which I think everyone will be happy to see leave the format.

If not for Tool Scrapper leaving, I think this format would actually be pretty good. Beach is gone, Dark Type support is gone, Dusknoir is gone, Accelgor is gone, it leaves a lot of room for creative decks to do well. But making Garbodor so much more powerful pretty much ruins the format, and will pretty much only leave room for decks without abilities, or ones that don't rely on abilities.
I'm really thinking that it'll be BCR-on. Like Four Arms said, without Tool Scrapper, Garbodor is impossible to hit on the bench, and I think they'll keep in one non-Plasma set from BW. Maybe it's just wishful thinking though. Either way my precious RayBoar will be gone. :'(
Frost Mage said:
Either way my precious RayBoar will be gone. :'(

Depends on how many Promos they keep in. If they keep all the EX tins from around that time, Ray/Boar will still be totally legal. But I find that unlikely, since those EX tins came out around the same time as Dragons Exalted. Maybe M Charizard EX will keep Emboar alive. Then again, it is a Charizard card...
Machamp The Champion said:
Assuming the new format will be PLS-Fall 2014 Set (which I almost definitely think it will be), by far the 2 most impactful cards leaving the format are Tool Scrapper and Skyla. Without Tool Scrapper, Garbodor is basically impenetrable on the bench. There is Chatot, but you can just put a Silver Mirror on Garbodor and it's totally safe. I think more decks will start playing Catcher to pick off Garbodor on the bench, but even then, the card is still incredible, and will probably be the downfall of ability-based decks. Skyla is just an incredible supporter that I don't think anyone is really glad to see going. It was well balanced, and was more helpful to slower decks. Again, this will probably be the downfall of ability decks.

Other really important cards that are leaving: Dark Patch and Sableye, which will make Darkrai decks much weaker, if not non-existent. Prism Energy and Blend Energy, which are all useful cards, but will probably just be replaced by Rainbow Energy. Computer Search, which is still one of the best Ace Specs. Landorus EX, which would get a lot better with Garbodor becoming stronger. Duskull, which if they don't make another one soon, will make Dusknoir unplayable (inb4 people play Cradily just to get Dusknoir out). Accelgor, which is really annoying with Trevenant and I think is a good thing to leave the format. And Tropical Beach, which I think everyone will be happy to see leave the format.

If not for Tool Scrapper leaving, I think this format would actually be pretty good. Beach is gone, Dark Type support is gone, Dusknoir is gone, Accelgor is gone, it leaves a lot of room for creative decks to do well. But making Garbodor so much more powerful pretty much ruins the format, and will pretty much only leave room for decks without abilities, or ones that don't rely on abilities.
Yeah, if they do it PLS-XY, Garbotoxin will ruin the game... in a HUGE way. To make it worse, they nerfed Catcher... so the only way to kill it is with Mega Blastoise EX, Xerneas EX, something that does damage to the bench. I hope they don't do it like PLS-XY.
I think it will rotate out at Boundaries Crossed considering that was basically Base set for Black and White 2.
It's going to rotate DRX out no matter what, so I lose my Dragon Call Gabite :(. Although this means I can 4-2-4 it up, and have a Garbodor line going.
Smeargle said:
Would Skyla's league promo keep it from rotating if they made it PLS-on?

No, because below says BCR 134/149, instead of BW.
I hope there's no rotation next year, but if there is one, I'd bet good money on either BCR on or PLS on. If they do that, tool scrapper (or something similar to it) needs to be reprinted to deal with Garbodor. I'd also like to see Skyla reprinted.
The next rotation should be DRX-On just so that we have Tool Scrapper to keep Garbodor in check from becoming too powerful otherwise BCR-On or PLS-On would be terrible for Standard/Modified. If Dragon Vault gets rotated out then we also lose Super Rod which is an important staple in the format although I was surprised to find that Pal Pad was cut from our X/Y set (including Super Scoop Up) however it only shuffles in up to 2 Supporters not a combination of up to 3 Pokemon and Basic Energies like with Super Rod. Losing Skyla would hurt Stage 2 decks more than help it especially for getting either Tropical Beach or Rare Candy 1st turn. Empoleon would also take a hit from losing Dusknoir which has made it competitive thus far including Terrakion and Landorus EX as checks against Raichu. Darkrai I think will take a hit from the rotation since it loses Sableye for Junk Hunt If Dark Explorers rotates out. I don't think Skyla would get reprinted for the same reason why Broken Time-Space never got reprinted due to being "region exclusive" cards. Cradily can get Dusknoir out but why not just Rare Candy a Duskull for it instead?
Card Slinger J said:
The next rotation should be DRX-On just so that we have Tool Scrapper to keep Garbodor in check from becoming too powerful otherwise BCR-On or PLS-On would be terrible for Standard/Modified. If Dragon Vault gets rotated out then we also lose Super Rod which is an important staple in the format although I was surprised to find that Pal Pad was cut from our X/Y set (including Super Scoop Up) however it only shuffles in up to 2 Supporters not a combination of up to 3 Pokemon and Basic Energies like with Super Rod. Losing Skyla would hurt Stage 2 decks more than help it especially for getting either Tropical Beach or Rare Candy 1st turn. Empoleon would also take a hit from losing Dusknoir which has made it competitive thus far including Terrakion and Landorus EX as checks against Raichu. Darkrai I think will take a hit from the rotation since it loses Sableye for Junk Hunt If Dark Explorers rotates out. I don't think Skyla would get reprinted for the same reason why Broken Time-Space never got reprinted due to being "region exclusive" cards. Cradily can get Dusknoir out but why not just Rare Candy a Duskull for it instead?

Because the only in format duskull will be rotated out while Shiny dusknoir is still in format, making dusknoir legal but neither duskull or dusclops would be legal.
It's either DRX-on to keep Tool Scrapper, or BCR-on and they reprint Tool Scrapper in the next X and Y set, or make it a league promo. I don't think they're stupid enough to keep Garbodor in without some way of knocking tools off of it.
It could be that, or it could be way to early to start making assumptions considering that Nationals is in like 4 or 5 months (lol my maths are bad).

*calls rotation to be DEX-On, only to troll people with more Darkrai*
AlexanderTheAwesome said:
It could be that, or it could be way to early to start making assumptions considering that Nationals is in like 4 or 5 months (lol my maths are bad).

Then what's the point of the thread? lol.
This is tough to say what will get rotated if anything at all.

But one this is for sure, we will all be very sad when the McDonalds Collection 2012 gets rotated out :(.
I was looking at the new stuff of the TCGO, and I saw that the booster credits were taken out, and people were given Booster Packs from BCR-LT. That may mean something.
Eron said:
I was looking at the new stuff of the TCGO, and I saw that the booster credits were taken out, and people were given Booster Packs from BCR-LT. That may mean something.
That happened a long time ago.
AlexanderTheAwesome said:
Eron said:
I was looking at the new stuff of the TCGO, and I saw that the booster credits were taken out, and people were given Booster Packs from BCR-LT. That may mean something.
That happened a long time ago.

Actually it happened 5 days ago with the launch of XY on PTCGO. Along with the new UI, and rediculously huge amounts of bugs and other bad turns of events for the trading system.