I would say Super Mario Sunshine but if Super Smash Bros counts than yeah. Super Mario Sunshine has awesome graphics and great game play whereas Super Smash Bros has EPIc Game play and Epic Graphics. Whoever had that idea was pretty brilliant because that game spawned 3 systems in a 10 year series. The N64 sure had great graphics and they took them to the edge on there. The Gamecube took them even farthere and with the SuperSmash attacks,New items and character that was a whole new ball game and the Wii has Epic graphics and gameplay and yet MORE characters and 3rd party additions made it feel like you had their original games. The series is so Epic that they should continue it. Also Mario PArty series is excellent because of the board game feel and almost every version had pretty good mini-games except Mario Party 3. That one was ok but not the best. I have about 6 games in there so that should be enough.LOL.